The Perseus PHP library is a collection of useful PHP tools around a central System manager to handle user sessions and common site-building frameworks.
Version 3 introduces the Twig theming system and PHP namespaces.
- PHP 5.3.0 or greater
- Krumo 2.0 for debugging
- Twig for theming
Extensions Place third party service extensions here. This is the only directory that should be altered.
includes Various libraries and helper functions to assist Perseus.
Services Extendable tools such as MySQL connectors and PHP Mailers that Perseus natively implements.
settings.default Copy this directory to your site root and remove the '.default' part of the name. The config.php file is for your private site configuration and the settings.php is for custom site settings. Each file has instructions inside.
System The core of Perseus. These classes manage Perseus's core functionality.
test A testing class to ensure all Perseus's tools work well together.
theme Templates and processors to handle all markup. May be overridden with your own theme files.
Service classes are primary purpose of Perseus. They are extendable classes for performing specific functions such as generating forms or connecting to a MySQL database. They extend the Service class and are instantiated via the System class in the following manner:
$object = $system->newService('ServiceType', $settings);
Where ServiceType
is the name of the service such as Form or MySQL.
- Form
- PhpMail
- XMLParser
Perseus uses system classes for internal use such as debugging and installing.
- Debug
- Exception
- Installer
- System