This is a automation script that in its current form creates a new GitHub repo, a new Flutter Project and initializes, commits and pushes it to GitHub for you, when called by a simple command.
create project_name
'create' is the alias we map to the script in the installation. That needs to be followed by a Flutter approved project name, which means following Flutters namingconvention (lowercase and underscore to separate words) for project names.
You need to have the following downloadet and setup on your computer
- Git You can check whether it's already install by running 'git --version' in your Terminal/Command prompt
- Flutter You can check whether it's already install by running 'flutter --version' in your Terminal/Command prompt
- Python You can check whether it's already install by running 'python --version' in your Terminal/Command prompt
- Pip You can check whether it's already install by running 'pip --version' in your Terminal/Command prompt
Step 1 Start by cloning this project into your desired location:
git clone
Step 2 Navigate into that folder:
cd FlutterNewProjectAutomation
Step 3 Install dependencies by typing:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 4 Open the in your desired IDE and change the following:
- The variable 'projectPath' to match the root-path you want to create new Flutter projects in.
- The variable 'gitHubUserName' to match your username on GitHub.
Save and close
Step 5
- Create a new .env file and copy/paste the content from .env.example into it.
- Generate an [GitHub accesstoken] ( and add it to the variable in your .env file.
For zsh users Add:
alias create="/Users/kimlangholz/Projects/Python/FlutterNewProjectAutomation/"
to your .zshrc file in your HOME folder. Obviously changing the path to reference your local file.
For bash users Add:
alias create="/Users/kimlangholz/Projects/Python/FlutterNewProjectAutomation/"
to your .bash_profile file in your HOME folder. Obviously changing the path to reference your local file.
- Creates a new GitHub repository for your new project.
- Creates a new local Flutter project.
- Initializes your local Flutter project.
- Adds the remote GitHub repo location to the local project.
- Adds all project files to the initial commit.
- Pushes the initial project to your GitHub repositorys master branch.
[ ] Write a guide for using this on Windows and Linux.
[ ] Add options when creating a Flutter project based on several pre-defined templates so that we in the future can create a project with e.g. a log_in sequence
This project was inspired by this video made by KalleHalden