All C++ includes language standards for Visual Studio (C/2011/2014/2017/2020/) in one header file (based on the gcc version).
All C++ includes for Visual Studio 2019 that uses your set C++ Language Standard correctly.
Such as (/std:c++14), (/std:c++17), (/std:c++latest))
Place this file in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30037\include\bits" (create the bits folder)
The '14.29.30037' portion is subject to change and use the newest version, or add them to all if you use multiple versions.
Originally, this file wasn't reading the specific set C++ Language Standard in Visual Studio 2019 for me.
Adding the MY_CPLUSPLUS defines allowed it to work correctly for me.
Visit (for the original file I used)
This file isn't recommended to use because it's bad practice including the whole standard library. But I find this useful when making concepts and trying things out.
This file is literally for people who are lazy and don't want to type out headers and I've even included some common preprocessor definitions to simply copy and paste. o_O