Project Wallker is a gameplay prototype that was created using Unreal Engine 4.
Please regard this game as some kind of puzzle plattformer.
This project was endorsed and motivated by the Stuttgart Media University, located in Germany.
This project took one semester to complete. (Summer Semester 2019)
Basically, you, the Wallker, push yourself against walls to build up a vector that can then be activated at will.
The Wallker not only saves the strength of the vector but also the direction of where the wall is "facing".
That way we have contextual situations, depending on which wall the player used to build up the vectors.
Activation of the vector will consume the vector and trigger a dash that propells the player in the direction of the vector.
This dash could be super freaking strong.
There you have it! A nice gameplay element that has lots of use-cases:
- Crashing through objects
- Have some speedy races
- Jumping over obstacles
- Pushing heavy objects.
You name it!
Below you will find screenshots of the levels that were created in order for the project to have some substance: