Simple Chess artificial intelligence written in JavaScript.
Makes use of :
- Chessboardjs for the board UI
- Chess.js for move generation/validation, piece placement/movement, and check/checkmate/stalemate detection
- v(0.1) depth 3 Negamax, α-β Pruning.
- v(0.3) depth 3 Negamax, α-β Pruning, Move ordering.
- v(0.4) depth 3 Negamax, α-β Pruning, Move ordering, Opening book.
- v(0.4) 13/08/21 > Added game book
- v(0.3) 10/08/21 > Added simple move ordering
- v(0.1) 10/08/21 > First version
- Add Iterative deepening
- Add Zobrist hashing and Transposition table
- Improve evaluation speed and accuracy (bishop pair bonus, knight pair malus, endgame positions...)
- Improve move ordering
- You can try to defeat it on