The project offer libraries and examples to build application based on MaxDisplay hardware module
You can run either uart_example or usb_example to have your MaxDisplay demo tested. The MaxDisplay Client Library is under the corresponding libs directory, detailed usage please refers to the Usage section.
The following Apis are public functions within UartSerialClient/UsbSerialClient class.
APIs | Description |
UartSerialClient(UartSerialInterface Clb, String PortName) |
UartSerialClient constructor, Clb refers to the class implements UartSerialInterface, and PortName is the full name of the connected Uart port (example shown below). Make sure you have the correct access permission. For example You can run chmod 666 /dev/tty* to modify access permission |
UsbSerialClient(UsbSerialInterface Clb) |
UsbSerialClient construtor, Clb refers to the class implements UsbSerialInterface, please refer to the code example. |
bindService(Context context, Intent intent) |
Binds UsbSerialService or UartSerialService based on the library used to user app |
unbindService() |
Unbinds UsbSerialService |
sendGetStatusMessage(OperationCallbackInterface OpCb) |
Gets MaxDisplay Hardware status, passing OperationCallbackInterface OpCb as the status callback function |
sendDataOnMessage(OperationCallbackInterface OpCb) |
Turns on MaxDisplay Data flow, passing OperationCallbackInterface OpCb as the status callback function |
sendDataOffMessage(OperationCallbackInterface OpCb) |
Turns off MaxDisplay Data flow, passing OperationCallbackInterface OpCb as the status callback function |
sendGestureOnMessage(OperationCallbackInterface OpCb) |
Turns on MaxDisplay gesture output, passing OperationCallbackInterface OpCb as the status callback function |
sendGestureOffMessage(OperationCallbackInterface OpCb) |
Turns off MaxDisplay gesture output, passing OperationCallbackInterface OpCb as the status callback function |
sendSystemResetMessage(OperationCallbackInterface OpCb) |
Reset MaxDisplay Module, please implement onDeviceConnected and onDeviceDisconnected function to monitor device reset status |
onData(float[] data) |
Data callback method, four channels data will be passed |
onGesture(String gesture) |
Gesture output callback method, a recognized gesture will be passed |
onCommandResponse(String cmdResp) |
Command response callback method. |
onDeviceConnected(String msg) |
MaxDisplay device connected callback (Only works on Usb connectivity) |
onDeviceDisconnected(String msg) |
MaxDisplay device disconnected callback (Only works on Usb connectivity) |
UartSerialInterface UsbSerialInterface
//UartSerialInterface and UsbSerialInterface are the same
public interface UsbSerialInterface {
public void onData(float[] data);
public void onGesture(String gesture);
public void onCommandResponse(String command);
public interface UartSerialInterface {
public void onData(float[] data);
public void onGesture(String gesture);
public void onCommandResponse(String command);
public interface OperationCallbackInterface {
public void successCallback();
public void failCallback();
public void timeoutCallback();
in your project, and add it as the project dependencies. -
In your project manifest file, add the following code:
<service android:name="com.maxustech.maxdisplay.usbcommlib.UsbSerialService" android:exported="false"/>
In your Activity class, implement the following code:
import com.maxustech.maxdisplay.usbcommlib.UsbSerialService; import com.maxustech.maxdisplay.usbcommlib.UsbSerialClient; import com.maxustech.maxdisplay.usbcommlib.UsbSerialInterface; public class MainActivity extends Activity implements UsbSerialInterface{ private UsbSerialClient mUsbSerialClient = new UsbSerialClient(this); @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); Intent serialService = new Intent(this, UsbSerialService.class); mUsbSerialClient.bindService(this, serialService); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); } @Override protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); mUsbSerialClient.unbindService(); } @Override public void onData(float[] data) { //Log.d("Data: ", Arrays.toString(data)); } @Override public void onGesture(String gesture){ Log.d("onGesture", gesture); } @Override public void onCommandResponse(String command) { Log.d("onCommandResponse", command); } @Override public void onDeviceConnected(String msg){ Log.d("onDeviceConnected", msg); } @Override public void onDeviceDisconnected(String msg){ Log.d("onDeviceDisconnected", msg); } }
Uart Settings
- Baudrate: 115200
- Data bits: 8 bits
- Parity: None
- Stop bits: 1 bit
- Flow control: None
Uart Library Usage
in your project, and add it as the project dependencies. -
In your project manifest file, add the following code:
<service android:name="com.maxustech.maxdisplay.uartcommlib.UartSerialService" android:exported="false"/>
In your Activity class, implement the following code:
import com.maxustech.maxdisplay.uartcommlib.UartSerialService; import com.maxustech.maxdisplay.uartcommlib.UartSerialClient; import com.maxustech.maxdisplay.uartcommlib.UartSerialInterface; public class MainActivity extends Activity implements UartSerialInterface{ private UartSerialClient mUartSerialClient = new UartSerialClient(this, "/dev/ttyS1"); @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); Intent serialService = new Intent(this, UartSerialService.class); mUartSerialClient.bindService(this, serialService); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); } @Override protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); mUartSerialClient.unbindService(); } @Override public void onData(float[] data) { //Log.d("Data: ", Arrays.toString(data)); } @Override public void onGesture(String gesture){ Log.d("onGesture", gesture); } @Override public void onCommandResponse(String command) { Log.d("onCommandResponse", command); } }