The Linux Essentials certificate validates a demonstrated understanding of the following: FOSS, the various communities, and licenses. Knowledge of open source applications in the workplace as they relate to closed source equivalents.
This bash script/webpage lets you practice for LPI 010-160 (Linux Essentials) with real questions from the exam.
You can take the exam online here.
wget -O
cd lpi_010_160_exam-main/
chmod +x
git clone --single-branch --branch main --depth 1
cd lpi_010_160_exam/
chmod +x
If you want to use this bash script on Windows and you have WSL you can follow the instructions for Linux.
I tested this with Git bash, and it works well, first you would have to install Git bash on your computer, then you'd have to install jq for windows and put the exe file in a folder so it can to be included in the $PATH variable, e.g. [GIT BASH FOLDER]\mingw64\bin
(Usually C:\Program Files\Git
), finally you can run the script just make sure its has the execute bit on.
git clone --single-branch --branch main --depth 1
cd lpi_010_160_exam/
chmod +x
# ! Make sure you followed the instructions above !
You can execute the script by simply running:
You must have jq installed!
Then you should get the first question of the bunch, e.g. :
noam ◈ noam ⊛ lpi_010_160_exam ⊛ ❯❯ ./
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-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ Setting environment ...
➣ Validating url.
➣ Fetching LPI questions from .
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ Done! ʘ‿ʘ
LPI practice exam:
➣ Which of the following tar options handle compression? (Choose two.)
1) -z
2) -g
3) -z2
4) -bz
5) -j
➣ Answer number 1 (1 - 5):