A safe place for devs to come and rant about whatever!.
This project is part of the Microverse curriculum and is done as a final project for the Ruby on Rails section.
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This project is intended to be an MVP so its not at full functionality. It is also intended to be a twitter redesign. I have implemented the following feature:
- Users can create accounts and upload an avatar & cover photo
- Users can login with their usernames
- Users can create and delete rants
- Users like and dislike rants
- Users can follow other users that they arem't already following
- Users can unfollow users that they are following
To use this app locally, this is what you need to:
- Download or clone this repo:
- Clone with SSH:
- Clone with HTTPS
directory and runbundle install
- Run
rails db:migrate
&rails db:seed
to create and populate the database with sample data - Finally, run
rails server
and openhttp://localhost:3000/
in your browser.
This project was built using these technologies.
- Ruby v2.7.1
- Rails v6.0.3
- Postgres
- Google Cloud Storage
- Bulma-rails gem
- Gravatar ...etc.
- Rspec
- Capybara
- Shoulda matchers
To run tests
bundle exec rspec
You can try it live here
In this video demo i summarily take you through how i built this application
👤 Phillip Musiime
- LinkedIn: Phillip Musiime
- GitHub: PhillipUg
- Twitter: @Phillip_Ug
- E-mail: phillipmusiime@gmail.com
This project is MIT licensed.