| © 2019 Privex Inc. |
| https://www.privex.io |
| |
| Privex's Python Database Library |
| License: X11 / MIT |
| |
| Originally Developed by Privex Inc. |
| Core Developer(s): |
| |
| (+) Chris (@someguy123) [Privex] |
| |
Privex's Python Database Library - Database wrappers, query builders, and other useful DB-related classes/functions
Copyright (c) 2019 Privex Inc. ( https://www.privex.io )
README under construction.
We recommend at least Python 3.6 - we cannot guarantee compatibility with older versions.
pip3 install privex-db
Basic usage with SqliteWrapper
and SqliteBuilder
from os.path import expanduser
from privex.db import SqliteWrapper
# Open or create the database file ~/.my_app/my_app.db
db = SqliteWrapper(expanduser("~/.my_app/my_app.db"))
# Create the table 'items' and insert some items
db.action("INSERT INTO items (name) VALUES (?);", ["Cardboard Box"])
db.action("INSERT INTO items (name) VALUES (?);", ["Orange"])
db.action("INSERT INTO items (name) VALUES (?);", ["Banana"])
db.action("INSERT INTO items (name) VALUES (?);", ["Stack of Paper"])
item = db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM items WHERE name = ?", ['Orange'])
print(item.id, '-', item.name)
# Output: 2 - Orange
q = db.builder('items')
# Privex QueryBuilder's support chaining similar to Django's ORM
q.select('id', 'name') \ # SELECT id, name FROM items
.where('name', 'Orange') \ # WHERE name = 'Orange'
.where_or('name', 'Banana') \ # OR name = 'Banana'
.order('name', 'id') # ORDER BY name, id DESC
# You can either iterate directly over the query builder object
for row in q:
print(f"ID: {row.id} Name: {row.name}")
# Output:
# ID: 3 Name: Banana
# ID: 2 Name: Orange
# Or you can use .fetch / .all to grab a single row, or all rows as a list
item = db.builder('items').where('name', 'Orange').fetch()
# {'id': 2, 'name': 'Orange'}
items = db.builder('items').all()
# [ {'id': 1, 'name': 'Cardboard Box'}, {'id': 2, 'name': 'Orange'}, ... ]
Full documentation for this project is available above (click the Read The Docs image), including:
- How to install the application and it's dependencies
- How to use the various functions and classes
- General documentation of the modules and classes for contributors
To build the documentation:
pip3 install pipenv
git clone https://github.com/Privex/python-db
cd python-db/docs
pipenv install -d
# It's recommended to run make clean to ensure old HTML files are removed
# `make html` generates the .html and static files in docs/build for production
make clean && make html
# After the files are built, you can live develop the docs using `make live`
# then browse to
# If you have issues with content not showing up correctly, try make clean && make html
# then run make live again.
make live
To run the unit tests, clone the project and make a .env
file containing details for a PostgreSQL database
(for the Postgres wrapper + builder tests).
Install all required dependencies:
pip3 install pipenv
pipenv install -d
Now run the tests (-v for more detailed testing output):
pipenv run pytest -rxXs -v