Basic tool for generate SqlAlchemy python classes from mysql tables. I dont try with sqlite if you try please send me feedback.
it supports
- enum values
- probably other basic types
- auto increment
- primary key
- accept or not null values
all classes use Base super class, you can declare Base like:
Base = declarative_base()
Not: please install sqlalchemy from repo or pip before run this command. i dont use any other library for easy usage.
Make file runnable
$ chmod +x sqla_class
Run it with parameters
$ ./sqla_class --db_host localhost --db_user root --db_pass "123456" --db_name your_database_name --db_charset utf8 --filename=out.py
you can use parameters like:
- --key value
- -key value
- key value
- --key=value
- -key=value
- key=value
If you have a problem send me email (programyazar[at]gmail[dot]com)