A collection of country data for https://map.railway-stations.org
Example for country "Bosnia and Herzegovina".
INSERT INTO countries (id,name,timetableUrlTemplate,email,overrideLicense,active) VALUES
('ba','Bosnia and Herzegovina',NULL,'info@railway-stations.org','CC_BY_NC_40_INT',1);
You can extract railway stations from OpenStreetmap via https://overpass-turbo.eu/
Use a query like this and change the two-letter country code (upper case BA
in this case) for the area
( area["ISO3166-1"="BA"];)->.boundaryarea;(
// print results
out meta;/*fixed by auto repair*/
out meta qt;/*fixed by auto repair*/
text : name;
color: blue;
Use jq
to transform the geojson file to an sql script. Change the filenames and the two-letter country code (lower case ba
in the example) to the appropriet one for the new country.
cat BosniaHerzegovina.geojson | jq -r '.features | to_entries[] | [.key+1, .value.properties.name, .value.geometry.coordinates[0], .value.geometry.coordinates[1]] | @text "insert into stations (countryCode, id, title, lat, lon) values ('"'"'ba'"'"', '"'"'\(.[0])'"'"', '"'"'\(.[1])'"'"', \(.[3]), \(.[2]));"' > BosniaHerzegovina.sql
For countries with non-latin station names we could check for int_name
and name:en
properties and prepend them:
cat Ukraine.geojson | jq -r '.features | to_entries[] | [.key+1, if (.value.properties.int_name != null) then .value.properties.int_name + " (" + .value.properties.name + ")" elif (.value.properties.["name:en"] != null) then .value.properties.["name:en"] + " (" + .value.properties.name + ")" else .value.properties.name end, .value.geometry.coordinates[0], .value.geometry.coordinates[1]] | @text "insert into stations (countryCode, id, title, lat, lon) values ('"'"'ua'"'"', '"'"'\(.[0])'"'"', '"'"'\(.[1])'"'"', \(.[3]), \(.[2]));"' > Ukraine.sql
Finally run the sql script in database.
If you are an external contributor we are happy to receive Pull Requests with the sql file.