Documentation of a case study on bigquery data called TheLook E-Commerce. I did this Case Study when I was taking a Mini Course at RevoU. In the case study, there are 3 tables that can be analyzed
- Orders table : records all the orders placed by the customer
- Order_items table : records the list of the items purchased in every order ID.
- Products table : records the details of the products sold on The Look, including the price, brand, and product categories
The first step, I determine what things can be analyzed to help solve problems that exist in the company
- How is the development of sales monthly at the company?
- How to increase sales?
To answer the question, I saw and analyzed from 3 tables, what data can be taken from the three tables to answer the question
After determining what data is needed, I implement it using SQL to get the required data. After that I make a visualization using Data Studio based on the data that has been taken
You can see my Data Visualization and insights in this Report