- Python 2.7
- Python headers (sudo apt-get install python-dev)
- CouchDB (sudo apt-get install couchdb)
- PostgreSQL (sudo apt-get install postgres)
- Geometry Engine - Open Source (sudo apt-get install geos)
- PostGIS (sudo apt-get install postgis)
- Pip (easy_install pip)
- VirtualEnv (pip install virtualenv)
- [Optional] VirtualEnvWrapper (pip install virtualenvwrapper)
- NumPy (pip install numpy)
- Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (sudo apt-get install gdal)
virtualenv ve && source ve/bin/activate
or with virtualenvwrapper
mkvirtualenv mangrove
pip install -r requirements.pip
cp src/datawinners/local_settings_example.py src/datawinners/local_settings.py
createdb geodjango createlang plpgsql geodjango psql -d geodjango -c 'create role jenkins login createdb createrole;' psql -d geodjango -f '/usr/local/Cellar/postgis/1.5.3/share/postgis/postgis.sql' psql -d geodjango -f '/usr/local/Cellar/postgis/1.5.3/share/postgis/spatial_ref_sys.sql' psql -d geodjango -c 'grant all privileges on all tables in schema public to jenkins;'
Clone https://github.com/mangroveorg/shape_files.git as a sibling to mangrove python src/datawinners/manage.py syncdb python src/datawinners/manage.py migrate python src/datawinners/manage.py loadshapes
brew install gettext ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/gettext/ .ve/bin/msgfmt(Notes, the virtual environment path) cd src/datawinners/ python manage.py compilemessages
In order to properly run Django tests our database user will need permissions to create a new database. Here's how to do it:
psql -d postgres -c 'ALTER ROLE jenkins WITH CREATEDB;'
Also, a template called template_postgis should be created. This might be part of your PostGIS installation, but you can also create it yourself by following the instructions at http://geospatial.nomad-labs.com/2006/12/24/postgis-template-database/
To run functional tests you will either need a version of Firefox supported by Selenium (this generally means not the latest version) or you will need Google Chrome. For local development tests tend to run more reliably with Chrome.
If you choose to do this you will also need to download chromedriver from http://code.google.com/p/chromium/downloads/list
For best results put the chromedriver binary in your virtual environment's bin folder. You may also put it in /usr/local/bin or somewhere else in PATH. However, symlinking ve/bin/chromedriver => /usr/local/bin/chromedriver doesn't seem to work.
./runtests.sh ut ./runtests.sh ft
And hopefully Jenkins will run tests, and they will pass.