This repository is the data analysis part in the paper of "Long-term Exposure to Particle Radioactivity (Gross Beta Activity) and PM2.5 and Cardiovascular Diseases Mortality" (may update name later)
The annual death rate per ZCTA from 2001/01 to 2015/12 in MA (from MA the Department of Public Health) <-- death count per ZCTA/population count per ZCTA
- 01convertMAdeath_ZCTA.R: convert MA death record from one-row-per-person to one-row-per-zcta
- population count per ZCTA is from Joel's server from census data
Annual average of PR and PM2.5: aggregate from daily 1km2 grid to annual ZCTA.
- Annual averages of PR per ZCTA are from Longxiang
- Annual averages of PM2.5 per ZIP code are from Joel's server
Daily temperature from Daymet
- 02seasonaltempDaymet_ZCTA.R: convert daily temperature to seasonal average per ZCTA for each year
Socioeconomics status and general life habits covariates are from an existing dataset:
- Census: "Median household income", "Median value of house", "Percentage of Hispanic", "Percentage of black", "Pencentage below poverty line", "Percentage without high school diploma", "Population density"
- the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS): "Mean BMI", "Smoking rate"
We use 03mergeDatasetsALL.R to construct the final dataset for analysis.
- generate the correlation table among each variable
- generate the distribution (mean, SD, quartiles) for all covariates
mod <- gam(deathcount ~ Beta + pm25 + summer_tmean + winter_tmean + as.factor(year) + as.factor(ZCTA5CE10) + offset(log(pcount)),
data = dt,
family = quasipoisson(link = "log"))
tb <- summary(mod)$p.table
Generalized linear mix-effect model:
mod <- gamm(deathcount ~ Beta + pm25 + summer_tmean + winter_tmean + medhouseholdincome + medianhousevalue + hispanic + pct_blk + poverty + education + popdensity + mean_bmi + smoke_rate + as.factor(year) + offset(log(pcount)),
data = dt,
random = list(ZCTA5CE10=~1),
family = quasipoisson(link = "log"))
The results for each pollutant were plotted via 06plotting.R
mod <- gam(deathcount ~ pm25 + Beta + I(pm25*Beta) +
summer_tmean + winter_tmean + as.factor(year) + as.factor(ZCTA5CE10) + offset(log(pcount)),
data = dt,
family = quasipoisson(link = "log"))
mod <- gamm(deathcount ~pm25 + Beta + I(pm25*Beta) +
summer_tmean + winter_tmean + medhouseholdincome + medianhousevalue + hispanic + pct_blk + poverty + education + popdensity + mean_bmi + smoke_rate + as.factor(year) + offset(log(pcount)),
data = dt,
random = list(ZCTA5CE10=~1),
family = quasipoisson(link = "log"))