v0.4.7a contains fixes for missing files in the release version and slightly offset door sprites.
The new version of Cursed Pixel Dungeon is finally here! There are too many changes from the old version to list here, a summary of them is in the changelog. This version is built off YASD/Powered PD, so contains many of its features. Check the YASD/PPD part of the changelog for some info on that, but some changes have been undone eg diving and random weapon properties. The biggest changes are listed here.
- Stat system
On levelling up, the hero will get a chance to increase stats. Each stat will give some HP, with future upgrades to the same stat giving less than earlier ones. All items have one or two stats which they require (either stat, not both, are required in the case of two). Upgrades to items increase this requirement. All items and enemies now scale exponentially as well, so you can build glass canon by dumping a stat or tanky by splitting.
- Shields
Shields are now in the game! They have completely replaced armour so you won't be able to rely on passive blocking anymore. Shields can be used to block a certain amount of enemy damage, if they completely block a hit this will register as a "parry" and there will be visual and audio feedback to indicate this. Shields will also damage enemies that hit you while they are up in most cases. They have charge too - shield blocking will be reduced depending on charge down to a minimum value at 0%. Charge is consumed on a block depending on the damage blocked.
- Weapon system
The weapon system is roughly based on YASD/Powered, in that you can equip any item in any slot; there are no designated "weapon slots" or "ring/artifact slots". The main difference though is that using multiple weapons doesn't increase their requirement, but instead allows you to attack with either. Attacking can be done from the quickslots and a single weapon/wand can be assigned to the attack slot.
- Chapter system
You may have noticed the repository describes Cursed PD as a "roguelite" not a roguelike. The reason for this is that there are persistent factors through runs, one of these being chapters. After beating the game on one chapter you unlock the next, with 3 in total. Only the first one is complete as of this release, but the start of the second is available after beating the first. Other roguelite features planned include a rework to relic melee weapons from the old CPD 0.3.0 beta and the ability to unlock weapons for future runs, but these features are not a part of this release.
Wondering what to download?
Click on assets. Choose android-debug.apk if you want the beta version (same right now but will include beta releases) for Android and android-release.apk if you want the stable version for Android, which will only update to public releases. Both will install separately. Click on desktop-0.4.7.jar for the desktop version - only available in release format currently, but you can manually update to beta versions by checking the releases regularly.
internal version number: 43