Two PHP pages, one for authentication. The other is for displaying the streams.
Required Software:
MySQL (You should install this from your linux distro repository)
Make a backup of Server.xml & Copy the basic Server.xml to its location.
Default location: /usr/share/ovenmediaengine/conf
server {
error_log /etc/nginx/logs/localhost_error.log error;
server_name localhost;
root /var/www/localhost;
location / { index ome-hook.php; }
location ~ \.php$ {
try_files $uri =404;
fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock;
fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
include fastcgi.conf;
Import the SQL file into your database.
Add users.
`username` a display name
`stream_key` rtmp stream key
`private` determines if private_key is required
`private_key` if private=1 this key is required to view the stream
Move ome-hook.php to /var/www/localhost (setup in the NGINX section)
Move index.php to any domain that's configured e.g. /var/www/video_example_com
Change all instances of:
Where CHANGEME is a secret key, and is your DOMAIN.
Adjust ome-hook.php config section to match your database and OME server application name. Make sure to change $omesecret variable to match the Server.xml secret (AccessToken, SecretKey)
$host = "";
$username = "CHANGEME";
$password = "CHANGEME";
$dbname = "CHANGEME";
$application = "app";
$omesecret = "CHANGEME";
Adjust the config section to match your database and OME server application name as well as pointing to the proper JS and CSS files.
$OvenPlayer = "/files/ovenplayer/ovenplayer.js";
$jQuery = "/files/jquery/jquery.min.js";
$normalizeCSS = "/files/css/normalize.css";
$awsmCSS = "/files/css/awsm.css";
$dbhost = "";
$dbuser = "CHANGEME";
$dbpass = "CHANGEME";
$dbname = "CHANGEME";
$websocket_protocol = ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? "wss://" : "ws://");
$websocket_host = "";
$websocket_port = ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? "3334" : "3333");
$websocket_key = "?key=";
$websocket_app = "app";
$stats_protocol = ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? "https://" : "http://");
$stats_host = "";
$stats_port = ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? "3330" : "3329");
$stats_api_type = "v1";
$stats_vhost_query = "";
$stats_app = "app";
$stats_secret = "CHANGEME";
CHANGEME is "Q0hBTkdFTUU=" when base64_encode
curl --header "Authorization: Basic Q0hBTkdFTUU="
{vhost} is your servers IP/Domain configured in OME
{app} is the application in OME
{key} is the live stream key from the MySQL Database
OBS Stream Settings
Server: rtmp://**{vhost}**/**{app}**
Stream Key: **{key}**
Don't check "Use Authenication"
The database should use all lower-case information and keys