A curated list of awesome Aikido-resources.
Inspired by awesome lists.
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- Stanley Pranin
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- Historical Footage
- Christian Tissier
- Festival des Arts Martiaux Paris Bercy
- World (Combat) Games
- Classics
- Dave Lowry
- Misc
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This list is an amalgamation of my collected bookmarks and a series of posts that were collected during the pandemic. It's a list of awesome aikido (and related) websites and URLs.
Feel free to comment, share, and contribute.
- Aikido-FAQ - A major website, stale but with loads of content by Kjartan Clausen.
- Aikiweb - A major website including a forum.
- Seido - More than 1000 videos by the Budo gear company.
- Aikido Journal Website - For many years the most important Aikido resource online, founded by Stanley Pranin
- Aikido Journal Youtube Channel - Founded by Stanley Pranin
- Stanley Pranin introduces "Aikido History 101"
- Morihei Ueshiba's Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Teaching Certification
- Morihei Ueshiba and Sokaku Takeda
- Morihei Ueshiba O-Sensei toys with a young Morihiro Saito in Iwama!
- An introduction to Koichi Tohei
- Noriaki Inoue: Aikido's forgotten pioneer
- Aikikai ballistic over Michio Hikitsuchi's 10th Dan!
- The Martial Artistry of Seigo Yamaguchi
- Remembering Seigo Yamaguchi, "Master of Balance"
- Article: Remembering Stanley Pranin
- Patricia Hendricks Blackbelt Essentials - Preview
- Patricia Hendricks Course at Teachable - Include free preview: syllabus for 6. and 5. kyu
- Miles Kessler's Bokken Course - A bokken course by Miles Kessler.
- Bruce Bookman's Aikido Extensions - extending classical aikido to modern attacks, Teaser on YT Shiho-nage to Sankyo
- [Stanley Pranin's Zone Theory of Aikido](no link) - with Intro to Stanley Pranin's "Zone Theory of Aikido"... What's It All About?
- [Stanley Pranin's Zone Theory of Aikido 2.0](no link) - with free trailer on YT
Many of these books can be purchased used, but some are exceptionally rare.
- Aikido and the Dynamic Sphere by Westbrook and Ratti
- Angry White Pyjamas A Scrawny Oxford Poet Takes Lessons from the Tokyo Riot Police - by Robert Twigger.
- Aikido Principles - by Stefan Stenudd
- Dueling with O-Sensei by Ellis Amdur
- Aikido out-of-print by Koichi Tohei
- This is Aikido out-of-print by Koichi Tohei
- It's a lot like dancing by Terry Dobson
- Aikido Exercises for Teaching and Training, also at Google Books by Carol Shifflett
- John Stevens:
- Budo: Teachings of the Founder of Aikido
- The Art of Peace
- The Shambala Guide to Aikido
- Remembering O-Sensei by Susan Perry
- Total Aikido: The Master Course by Gozo Shioda
- Morihiro Saito:
- Traditional Aikido Vol 1 - Basic Techniques - out-of-print
- Traditional Aikido Vol 2 - Advanced Techniques - out-of-print
- Traditional Aikido Vol 3 - Applied Techniques - out-of-print
- Traditional Aikido Vol 4 - Vital Techniques - out-of-print
- Traditional Aikido Vol 5 - Training works wonders - out-of-print
- Takemusu Aikido Vol 1 - Background and Basics
- Takemusu Aikido Vol 2 - More Basics
- Takemusu Aikido Vol 3 - Basics Concluded
- Takemusu Aikido Vol 4 - Kokyu Nage
- Takemusu Aikido Vol 5 - Bukidori & Ninindori
- Takemusu Aikido Vol 6 - Budo
- Ueshiba:
- Walther von Krenner:
- Channel by Stefan Stenudd - Stefan Stenudd's Channel on Youtube.
- Channel by Shirakawa Ryuji - Shirakawa Ryuji's Channel on Youtube.
- Channel by Guilleaume Erard - G. Erard's Channel on Youtube.
- Channel by IAF - International Aikido Federation -
- Channel of the Aikikai Honbu Dojo
- Aikido Documentary by National Geographic - presented by Josette Normandeau.
- The Power and the the Basics Vol 1 by Yoshimitsu Yamada, Vol 3
- How to Cast - How to do Aikido - Series w 37 parts by the NYC Aikikai.
- The Art of Aikido by Rev. Kensho Furuya:
- The Art of Aikido volume 1 - Introduction
- The Art of Aikido volume 2 - Basics
- The Art of Aikido volume 3 - Ukemi
- The Art of Aikido volume 4 - Katate tori
- The Art of Aikido volume 5 - Suwari Waza
- The Art of Aikido volume 6 - Tsuki
- The Art of Aikido volume 7 - Shomen uchi
- The Art of Aikido volume 8 - Atemi Waza
- Steve Magson - 2018 Series with 43 videos
- Saotome Mitsugi:
- Morihiro Saito:
- Bruno Gonzalez - Jo-Dori Series w 26 videos
- Hikitsuchi Michio:
- Shoji Nishio Playlist, including a 7 volume series course
- Donovan Waite - Ukemi - Meeting the Mat
- Robert Frager:
- Penny Bernath Zoom Aikido Class IAF Campaign
- Moriteru Ueshiba - 7 Volume Video Series Kihon
- Ueshiba Family Kihon
- Tamura Nobuyoshi, techniques du grand maître de l'aïkido
- Seiichi Sugano Playlist
There is probably some duplication in the videos in this section.
- Morihei Ueshiba 1935 Rare footage
- Aikido performance by Morihei Ueshiba in 1960 合気道
- 植芝 盛平
- Morihei Ueshiba O Sensei - Rare Aikido Demonstration (1957) 合気道植芝 盛平
- 1954 Aikido O Sensei
- Morihei Ueshiba: The Founder of Aikido 1961 published by Aikido Journal
- Takemusu-Aiki 1952/1955/1957/1958 published by Aikido Journal
- Divine Techniques 1962/1964/1966/1967, featuring Terry Dobson, published by Aikido Journal
- Way of Harmony published by Aikido Journal
- Budo 1935 published by Aikido Journal
- Koichi Tohei 10th Dan - Rare Aikido Demonstration (1957)
- Koichi Tohei teaching at Hombu Dojo 1962
- Koichi Tohei - Fundamental Concept Principle and Elementary Course
- Aikido - André Nocquet - documentaire 1964
- Interview with André Nocquet
- Nocquet/Tissier Bercy 1989
- Nocquet/Tissier Bercy 1990
- Tissier Bercy 1991
- Tissier Bercy 1992
- Tissier Bercy 1994
- Tissier Bercy 1995
- Tissier Bercy 1997
- Tissier Bercy 2001
- Tissier Bercy 2003
- Tissier Bercy 2004
- Tissier Bercy 2005
- Tissier Bercy 2008
- Tissier Bercy 2009
- Tissier Bercy 2010
- Gonzalez Bercy 2011 - Playlist
- Tamaki Bercy 2014
- 30th - Tissier Bercy 2015
- 31st - Russia Bercy 2016
- 31st - Blaize Bercy 2016
- 32nd - Gonzalez Bercy 2017
- 33rd - Tamaki Bercy2018
- 34th - Russia Bercy 2019
- 34th - Blaize Bercy 2019
- 35th - Gonzalez Bercy 2022
- 36th - Gonzalez Bercy 2023
- 37th - Gonzalez Bercy 2024
- Ueshiba - World Games 2005
- WCG 2013 Playlist
- Tissier - WCG 2013
- Tissier - WCG 2023
- Ueshiba - WCG 2023
- Pat Hendricks' Incredible Aikido Odyssey by Stanley Pranin
- Remembering Saito-Sensei by Stanley Pranin
- A Day in the Life of the Founder Morihei Ueshiba, April 1968
- Archive Aikido Journal:
- »A Day in the Life of the Founder Morihei Ueshiba, April 1968«
- »A Revisionist View of Aikido History«
- »Aikido Today: An Overview«
- »Aikido and Independence: On Not Finding One's True Master«
- »Aikido and Weapons: The Last Word?«
- »Aikido and the Dissolution of Touching Taboos«
- »Aikido and the Traditional Japanese Martial Arts«
- »Aikido in the Postwar Years - Part 1: 1946-1956«
- »Aikido: Merely a Pastime?«
- »An End to the Collusion«
- »André Nocquet Returns To Japan«
- »Becoming an Uchideshi, or How to Train Seriously in Japan«
- »Can Competition Enhance O-Sensei»s Aikido?«
- »Challenging the Status Quo«
- »Character counts!«
- »Cultivating a Martial Spirit«
- »Dan Rankings«
- »Editorial: Researching O-Senseis Life«
- »Editorial: «An Open Letter to Norris, Seagal, and Van Damme"
- »Education and Training«
- »Ends and Means: Why are we training?«
- »Everything in Black and White«
- »Examinations and Their Purpose«
- »Fewer Words - More Understanding«
- »Foreigners Want Most to Know About O-Sensei«
- »Gaijin Complex«
- »Hitohiro Saito«
- »How to invite a Japanese Sensei to your Country«
- »Humor: A Veil for Verbal Violence«
- »Is O-Sensei really the father of modern Aikido?«
- »Iwama Ryu News 1998 Stanley Pranin«
- »Japanese for Aikidoka«
- »Just like flowers«
- »Katsuaki Asai«
- »Kenji Shimizu«
- »Kisshomaru Ueshiba«
- »Modern Learning: A Decline in Stealing?«
- »Morihei and Kisshomaru Ueshiba«
- »Moriteru Ueshiba«
- »Muscles and Aikido«
- »O-Sensei»s Weapons Legacy«
- »Pen and Sword in Accord«
- »Proposed Legislation Concerning Nonaggressive Self-Defense«
- »Teaching and Shu-Ha-Ri«
- »Television: Window to Violence«
- »The Expansion of Aikido Abroad«
- »The Internationality of Aikido«
- »The Japan Pilgrimage: Better be prepared«
- »The Progression of Aikido Technique from Basic to Advanced«
- »The Proper Attitude of a Martial Art Teacher«
- »Training in Japan«
- »Training, Training, and Training«
- »Will someone do something?«
- Hagakure translated by William Scott Wilson
- Bushido Shoshinshu translated by Thomas Cleary, images by Oscar Ratti
- Book of Five Rings new translation by Alex Bennett
- The Live Giving Sword by Yagyu Munenori translated by William Scott Wilson
If you asked me, all books by Dave Lowry should be required reading (except perhaps the Sushi book).
- Bokken
- Jo
- Sword and Brush
- Moving Toward Stillness
- Autumn Lightning
- Traditions
- Clouds in the West
- Persimmon Wind
- The Best of Dave Lowry
- In the Dojo
- The Karate Way
- The Essence of Budo
- The Connoisseur’s Guide to Sushi
- Chinese Cooking for Diamond Thieves - a crime novel about a college student who prefers to cook in Chinese restaurants and who meets a girl who is on the run
- Aikido Street Story
- Aikido Street Story 2
- Aikido Street Story 3
- Master Ken's opinion of Aikido
- Aikido Promo
- Fudebakudo
Contributions are welcome! Please check out the contribution guidelines for more details.
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