-> implemented Profiles local and prod , in prod data is stored in persist h2 database using file mechanism and in local profile data is stored in inmemory h2 database .
-> In prod profile user need to pass bearer token for authentication and in local profile no need to pass token.
clone the project by running this command : git clone https://github.com/SukritanGupta/GrpcProject.git
Should know about java 17, functional programming , SpringBoot , Angular 17 , Spring security , grpc , protobufs etc
{ "username":"Sukritan1", "password":"aman", "role":"USER"
{ "userName":"Amu", "password":"aman" }
Need to pass Bearer token in Authorization header , also Content-Type and Accept application/json in headers.
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"authorName":"Aman Mahajan",
{ "bookDetails": { "bookId": 3, "authorName": "Sukritan", "name": "RD sharma", "price": 90 } }
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{ "bookDetails": { "bookId": 1, "authorName": "Sukritan_Gupta", "name": "Cpp programming", "price":500 } }
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{ "bookDetails": { "authorName": "Sukritan_Gupta", "name": "Cpp programming", "price":500 } }
Copy Right By sukritan gupta 2024