Releases: Suwayomi/Suwayomi-Server
v1.1.1 - Tracking Ultimate!
- Hotfix for WebUI updates
Server: v1.1.1 + WebUI: v1.1.0
With 1.1.0, we have been working on a few things that resolves bugs found in 1.0.0 and finalizes the tracking API. Checkout the for the full list of changes.
This release has been working on the long awaited tracking support! With the last release we had a partial tracking api, which gave our client developers to decide what parts they liked, and what they didn't. With this feedback, we were able to finalize a API that resolves most needs of our client developers.
And other things
- Update Manga Info in browse
- Improved support for library filters
- Improved thumbnail handling
- Many minor bugfixes
- WebUI changes:
v1.1.0 - Tracking Ultimate!
Server: v1.1.0 + WebUI: v1.1.0
With 1.1.0, we have been working on a few things that resolves bugs found in 1.0.0 and finalizes the tracking API. Checkout the for the full list of changes.
This release has been working on the long awaited tracking support! With the last release we had a partial tracking api, which gave our client developers to decide what parts they liked, and what they didn't. With this feedback, we were able to finalize a API that resolves most needs of our client developers.
And other things
- Update Manga Info in browse
- Improved support for library filters
- Improved thumbnail handling
- Many minor bugfixes
- WebUI changes:
Full Release - v1.0.0!
Server: v1.0.0 + WebUI: r1409
We've done a lot since our last release over a year ago. Checkout the for the full list of changes.
We have redone our whole API in GraphQL. We are excited to get this out there so more Suwayomi clients like JUI and Sorayomi can use it! GraphQL is a great technology and provides much more flexibility then our previous REST API.
Rename to Suwayomi
We've had the rename in the works for a while, we wanted to have a better branding. Tachidesk doesn't actually make sense, its a mix of 2 languages, and Tachi means standing. We ended up deciding on Suwayomi, which is a shorthand for Suwariyomi(sitting reading).
New Launcher for Suwayomi
We needed a better experience when launching the application, a launcher was a great idea. We've got all the settings available in the launcher so you can configure everything you need before launching!
More Changes!
- Automatic WebUI Updates
- Preserve download queue through server restarts
- Improve compatability with Android extensions
- Add support for ComicInfo creation and reading
- Support changing settings with WebUI and other clients
- Support more SOCKS proxy settings
- Fix support for Oracle JRE
- Performance improvements
- Partial Tracking support
- Support Custom Repos
- FlareSolverr(Cloudflare Bypass) support
- And many more fixes and features, this was a big release
- WebUI changes:
@Syer10, @AriaMoradi, @schroda, @chancez, @Mercenar, @Robonau, @tachimanga, @brianmakesthings, @alexandrejournet, @aless2003, @vuhe, @MangaCrushTeam, @martinek, @akabhirav, @DattatreyaReddy
CBZ download support
Server: v0.7.0 + WebUI: r983
- CBZ downloads support
- Webview implementation based on Microsoft playwright, disabled for this release
- Fixed compatibility with some chinese extensions
- Support for Tachiyomi extensions lib 1.4
- WebUI changes:
- Uhh, idk, find out yourself...
Tachidesk-Server Changelog
- (r1159) v0.6.6 (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1160) add Chagelog TL;DR (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1161) fix Changelog typos (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1162) WebView based cloudflare interceptor (#456 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1163) update issue mod (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1164) better description (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1165) fix regex (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1166) get default User Agent from WebView (#457 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1167) implementation of (#460 by @animeavi)
- (r1168) Basic Rect and Canvas implementation (#461 by @animeavi)
- (r1169) Get Playwright working (#462 by @Syer10)
- (r1170) disable deb release (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1171) Fix debian release (#463 by @mahor1221)
- (r1172) Add better manga thumbnail handling (#465 by @Syer10)
- (r1173) Use extension list fallback if extensions fail to fetch (#469 by @Syer10)
- (r1174) fix when playwright fails on providing a UA (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1175) Update CategoryMetaTable.kt (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1176) fix CategoryMetaTable reference to CategoryTable (#473 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1177) remove possibly misleading sentence (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1178) Clarify and Update (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1179) Clarify and Update (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1180) link to Tachiyomi section (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1181) fix typo (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1182) Improve Gradle Configuration (#478 by @Syer10)
- (r1183) Improve Playwright handling (#479 by @Syer10)
- (r1184) fix ambiguous reference issue on JDK 13+ (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1185) update gradle version (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1186) upgrade dorkbox stuff (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1187) Fixe Dex2Jar and dorkbox dependency issues (#487 by @akabhirav)
- (r1188) Fix logging and update system try (#488 by @Syer10)
- (r1189) add support for Extensions Lib 1.4 (#496 by @Syer10)
- (r1190) disable playwright for v0.6.7 (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1191) Decouple Cache and Download behaviour (#493 by @akabhirav)
- (r1192) rethink image cache (#498 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1193) fix Page index issues for some providers (#491 by @akabhirav)
- (r1194) Download as CBZ (#490 by @akabhirav)
- (r1195) re-order config options (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1196) stop using depricated API (by @AriaMoradi)
Tachidesk-WebUI Changelog
- (r964) Created a GridLayout enum and updated all locations to use it. (#208 by @infix)
- (r965) fix library update progress rendering (#210 by @schroda)
- (r966) Save reader settings per manga in Meta (#216 by @schroda)
- (r967) make default reader settings changeable (#217 by @schroda)
- (r968) [#211] Refresh Library after a update (#212 by @schroda)
- (r969) add logic for metadata migration (#218 by @schroda)
- (r970) set browser tab title (#220 by @schroda)
- (r971) Add tooltip containing full manga title to title of manga (#221 by @schroda)
- (r972) show more detailed upload dates for today and yesterday (#222 by @schroda)
- (r973) add GitHub action on pushing to run lint (#224 by @schroda)
- (r974) Ignore filters while searching (#226 by @schroda)
- (r975) force absolute import path (#223 by @schroda)
- (r976) add prettier for auto formatting (#231 by @schroda)
- (r977) Fix import path (#228 by @schroda)
- (r978) increase prettier line length to 120 (#233 by @schroda)
- (r979) Add chapter page dropdown (#230 by @schroda)
- (r980) add chapter dropdown to reader nav bar (#229 by @schroda)
- (r981) Fix lint error (#235 by @schroda)
- (r982) Fix reader nav bar scroll to page (#236 by @schroda)
- (r964) Created a GridLayout enum and updated all locations to use it. (#208 by @infix)
Hoard 'em Chapter Downloads
Huge thanks to @martinek who pulled the most of the weight this release!
Server: v0.6.6 + WebUI: r963
- Batch actions for chapters
- Improved the downloader
- WebUI changes:
- Support for chapter actions
- a lot of code cleanup
- some bugfixes
Tachidesk-Server Changelog
- (r1114) fix broken links (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1115) fix more broken stuff (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1116) fix more broken stuff (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1117) fix more broken stuff (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1118) Update winget.yml (#393 by @vedantmgoyal2009)
- (r1119) fix jre path(#396 by @vedantmgoyal2009)
- (r1120) Fix deb package (#397 by @mahor1221)
- (r1121) bump version (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1122) Update Changelog (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1123) Add libc++-dev (#405 by @mahor1221)
- (r1124) Revert back to correct way of handling jre_dir (#408 by @mahor1221)
- (r1125) Update winget.yml (#410 by @vedantmgoyal2009)
- (r1126) Remove support for Sorayomi web interface (#414 by @marcoebbinghaus)
- (r1127) Fix downloader memory leak (#418 by @Syer10)
- (r1128) Documentation cleanup (#417 by @Syer10)
- (r1129) Updater cleanup and improvements (#416 by @Syer10)
- (r1130) replace quickjs with Mozilla Rhino (#415 by @xhzhe)
- (r1131) ktlint (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1132) move Tachiyomi's BuildConfig to kotlin dir (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1133) remove BuildConfig as extensions now use AppInfo (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1134) include list of mangas missing source in restore report (#421 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1135) Update dependencies (#422 by @Syer10)
- (r1136) Lint (#423 by @Syer10)
- (r1137) Fix: Error handling for popular/latest api if pageNum was supplied as zero (#424 by @meta-boy)
- (r1138) Add cache control header to manga page response (#430 by @martinek)
- (r1139) add MangaTable.lastFetchedAt and ChapterTable.chaptersLastFetchedAt (#431 by @martinek)
- (r1140) Pre-load meta entries for all chapters for optimization (#432 by @martinek)
- (r1141) POST variant for
endpoint (#434 by @martinek) - (r1142) Add request body to documentation (#435 by @Syer10)
- (r1143) add batch download api (#436 by @martinek)
- (r1144) Migrate to H2 v2 (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1145) add category and global meta (#438 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1146) Revert H2 database to v1 (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1147) refactor deprecated api (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1148) Downloader Rewrite (#437 by @Syer10)
- (r1149) Set source preference doc fix (#441 by @Syer10)
- (r1150) Add batch chapter update endpoint (#442 by @martinek)
- (r1151) changes needed for tachiyomi tracker (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1152) Future proofing (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1153) Fix settings/check-update endpoint (#445 by @martinek)
- (r1154) Fix docs for /server/check-updates (#447 by @martinek)
- (r1155) Batch editing and deleting any chapter (#449 by @martinek)
- (r1156) make chapters endpoint more unifrom (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1157) Add batch endpoint for removing downloads from download queue (#452 by @martinek)
- (r1158) Download queue missing update fix (#450 by @martinek)
Tachidesk-WebUI Changelog
- (r947) Feature/swr for library screens (#186 by @martinek)
- (r948) Feature/swr for simple queries (#187 by @martinek)
- (r949) Check download queue for changes and reload chapters if any chapter download changes state. (#189 by @martinek)
- (r950) Update typescript dependency (#190 by @martinek)
- (r951) update browserlist (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r952) Feature/batch chapter download (#191 by @martinek)
- (r953) Memoize empty view face so it does not change on rerender (#193 by @martinek)
- (r954) Feature/batch chapter actions (#194 by @martinek)
- (r955) Fix navbar back button behavior (#195 by @martinek)
- (r956) Options panels refactoring (#196 by @martinek)
- (r957) Refactor and fix sorting in library (#197 by @martinek)
- (r958) Scroll window to top when PagedPager changes page (#198 by @martinek)
- (r959) Verticall scroll navigation and fix (#200 by @martinek)
- (r960) Hide overflowing text in reader title if text can't be wrapped (#199 by @martinek)
- (r961) Add safezone to scroll end detection to prevent edge cases when scrolling to the end would not detect end (#201 by @martinek)
- (r962) Refactor/download queue and cleanup visuals overall (#202 by @martinek)
- (r963) Fix "back" pagination on double page layout in reader for spread pages (#203 by @martinek)
The Ultra Remastered Definitive UHD Edition
The project is looking for maintainers, more info can be found here.
Server: v0.6.5 + WebUI: r946
- Fixed Windows bundler
- Fixed deb packaging stuff
Tachidesk-Server Changelog
- (r1113) v0.6.4 (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1114) fix broken links (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1115) fix more broken stuff (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1116) fix more broken stuff (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1117) fix more broken stuff (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1118) Update winget.yml (#393 by @vedantmgoyal2009)
- (r1119) fix jre path(#396 by @voltrare)
- (r1120) Fix deb package (#397 by @mahor1221)
- (r1121) bump version (by @AriaMoradi)
Tachidesk-WebUI Changelog
- None
The Ultra Remastered Definitive HD Edition
The project is looking for maintainers, more info can be found here.
Server: v0.6.4 + WebUI: r946
- This release brings all new AI-assisted upscaled textures
- Don't pay attention to the new game breaking bugs, we put them there intentionally
- The product is half-finished and rushed out, we hope to fix it in upcoming paid patches and DLCs
- There are No new major features
- Added a few bug "fixes" and introduced even more bugs (features)
- Back ported some totally unnecessary community loved functionality from Tachidesk 2: Despicable Drafts and Tachidesk: Unpublished Stories
Tachidesk-Server Changelog
- (r1087) v0.6.3 (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1088) Save categories when manga is unfavorited (#335 by @Syer10)
- (r1089) handle solid RAR archives (#339)
- (r1090) add support for changing downloads dir (#343 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1091) fix Applications dir dependency (#344 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1092) add support for alternative web interfaces (#342 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1093) Add displayValues json field for select filter (#347 by @Syer10)
- (r1094) document manga endpoints (#348 by @Syer10)
- (r1095) add ChapterCount to manga object in categoryMangas endpoint (#349 by @abhijeetChawla)
- (r1096) document all endpoints (#350 by @Syer10)
- (r1097) fix copymanga (#354 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1098) fix formatting by kotlinter (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1099) bump WebUI (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1100) fix WebUI release name (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1101) Fix documentation errors (#358 by @Syer10)
- (r1102) Docs improvements (#359 by @Syer10)
- (r1103) Add linux-all.tar.gz & systemd service (#366 by @mahor1221)
- (r1104) Publish to Windows Package Managar (WinGet) (#369 by @vedantmgoyal2009)
- (r1105) Refactor scripts (#370 by @mahor1221)
- (r1106) Run workflow jobs toghether (#371 by @mahor1221)
- (r1107) Update gradle action (#372 by @mahor1221)
- (r1108) Improve DocumentationDsl, bugfix default values and add queryParams (#378 by @Syer10)
- (r1109) Tidy up bundler script (#380 by @mahor1221)
- (r1110) Replace linux-all with linux-assets (#381 by @mahor1221)
- (r1111) Rename every instance of Tachidesk jar to Tachdidesk-Server.jar (#384 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1112) Fix mistakes from #384 (#385 by @AriaMoradi)
Tachidesk-WebUI Changelog
Suwayomi needs your help!
The project is looking for maintainers, more info can be found here.
Server: v0.6.3 + WebUI: r942
- Changes in Server
- Support for array search filter changes list
- Support for Tachiyomi extensions lib 1.3
- Changes in WebUI
- Better search filter support
- Fluid manga grid
- Library comfortable grid
- Sources view layouts
- Various other changes...
Tachidesk-Server Changelog
- (r1074) v0.6.2 (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1075) support array filter changes (#304 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1076) fix filterlist bugs (#306 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1077) Update (#305 by @mahor1221)
- (r1078) fix meta update changing all keys (#314 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1079) add support for tachiyomi extensions Lib 1.3 (#316 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1080) Fix sources list of one source throws an exception (#308 by @Syer10)
- (r1081) Improve source handling, fix errors with uninitialized mangas in broken sources (#319 by @Syer10)
- (r1082) Add thumbnail support for stub sources (#320 by @Syer10)
- (r1083) update description for Tachidesk-Sorayomi (#326 by @DattatreyaReddy)
- (r1084) Add last bit of code needed for Extensions Lib 1.3 (#330 by @Syer10)
- (r1085) Add QuickJS, replaces Duktape for Extensions Lib 1.3 (#331 by @Syer10)
- (r1086) fix auth not actually blocking requests (#333 by @AriaMoradi)
Tachidesk-WebUI Changelog
- (r930) Source filter scroll fix (array of filters on submit #149 by @Robonau)
- (r931) fix manga badges setting menu that turns the update/download badges on and off (#150 by @Robonau)
- (r932) move sorts to copy tachiyomi (#151 by @Robonau)
- (r933) add comfortable grid option (#152 by @Robonau)
- (r934) source layouts (#153 by @Robonau)
- (r935) List layout (#154 by @Robonau)
- (r936) in library badge to manga in sources (#156 by @Robonau)
- (r937) mass search (#157 by @Robonau)
- (r938) 18+ tag on source/extension cards (#160 by @Robonau)
- (r939) fix search source click (#164 by @Robonau)
- (r940) items per row setting (#165 by @Robonau)
- (r941) fix the grid width thing (#169 by @Robonau)
- (r942) unified library options (#168 by @infix)
Filters and Search
Server: v0.6.2 + WebUI: r929
- Changes in WebUI
- Moved search to Browse
- Support for Source Filters
- Better visuals for Download Queue
- A live version of WebUI is now available at this link.
Tachidesk-Server Changelog
- (r1073) Refactor, rename launcher scripts (#303 by @mahor1221)
Tachidesk-WebUI Changelog
- (r912) show locale date, less confusing (#131 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r913) fix links to work on a bare host (#132 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r914) fix direct links (#133 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r915) deploy to github pages (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r916) fix typo (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r917) better naming (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r918) update notice about github pages (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r919) move text (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r920) make all links work by catching 404 (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r921) fix scrolling 8px (#135 by @Robonau)
- (r922) sorting (#136 by @Robonau)
- (r923) Close button fix (#141)
- (r924) add NavBarContextProvider (#128 by @abhijeetChawla)
- (r925) Resolved Merged Conflicts (#127 by @abhijeetChawla)
- (r926) more Download Queue info (#138 by @Robonau)
- (r927) Source filters, move search to SourceMangas (#142 by @Robonau)
- (r928) Source genre sorts design (#147 by @Robonau)
- (r929) Update LibraryOptions.tsx (#146 by @Robonau)
Long time no release
Server: v0.6.1 + WebUI: r911
- msi and deb packages thanks to @mahor1221
- Tachidesk-Flutter exists now!
Tachidesk-Server Changelog
- (r1047) update (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1048) bump version (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1049) Update (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1050) Update (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1051) refactor getChapter (#268 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1052) Improve documentation with Http codes (#261 by @Syer10)
- (r1053) Add Route to stop and reset the updater (#260 by @ntbm)
- (r1054) ignore non image files (#269 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1055) fix compile erorr (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1056) update dex2jar (by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1057) Update Gradle and Dependencies (#281 by @Syer10)
- (r1058) Handlers must return a result (#282 by @Syer10)
- (r1059) Allow app compilation on Java 18+ (#286 by @Syer10)
- (r1060) Automated MSI package building (#277 by @mahor1221)
- (r1061) Automated debian package building (#287 by @mahor1221)
- (r1062) fix Debian package errors (#288 by @mahor1221)
- (r1063) Fix build_push.yml Hopefully (#289 by @mahor1221)
- (r1064) Improve (#290 by @mahor1221)
- (r1065) add Tachidesk-Flutter to readme (#292) @DattatreyaReddy)
- (r1066) no online fetch on backup (#293 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1067) auto-remove duplicate chapters (#294 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r1068) remove gson (#295 by @AriaMoradi)
Tachidesk-WebUI Changelog
- (r894) migrate ReaderNavbar to Mui 5 (#84 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r895) migrate SpinnerImage to Mui 5 (#97 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r896) migrate VerticalPager to Mui 5 (#94 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r897) migrate PagedPager to Mui 5 (#93 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r898) MangaCard imges don't stretch now (#110 by @abhijeetChawla)
- (r899) show correct title (#111 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r900) migrate DoublePage to Mui 5 (#88 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r901) migrate DoublePagedPager to Mui 5 (#91 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r902) migrate Reader to Mui 5 (#100 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r903) migrate HorizantalPager to Mui 5 (#92 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r904) migrate PageNumber to Mui 5 (#90 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r905) Chapter filter is woking (#114 by @abhijeetChawla)
- (r906) added extension search (#115 by @abhijeetChawla)
- (r907) cleanup (#117 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r908) handle search shortcuts (#116 by @AriaMoradi)
- (r909) Refactor for Removing unnecesary UseEffect (#118 by @abhijeetChawla)
- (r910) refactor ChapterList (#125 by @abhijeetChawla)
- (r911) refactor ChapterOptions (#126 by @abhijeetChawla)