Unofficial Telegram Desktop client
TLSharp - Unofficial Telegram client library implemented in C#
MimeTypeMap - mapping of file extensions to mime types and mime types to file extensions
Newtonsoft.Json - JSON framework for .NET
JSON Countries - JSON file containing a list of all the countries
- Clone this repo
- At Telegram API development tools create a new app and receive unique "app_id" and "app_hash" (Warning! It is not possible to change these values, so be careful with them)
- At cloned repo, open the "Shagram" folder and create the ".env" file there. Inside this file save received app credentials as "API_ID" and "API_HASH" values
- Compile via VisualStudio/SharpDevelop/some another
- Run
To get in touch with me, just write me at:
- Email:
- Telegram: @oleh_yaroshchuk