The Essential Xamarin Carousel control allows navigating through image data in an interactive way so that they can be viewed or selected. Also, provides various customization options for its item arrangements.
For know more details about Carousel:
Carousel user guide documentation:
This section explains how to showcase a Gallery of photos along with a Title using Xamarin Carousel View (SfCarousel) Control.
The Xamarin Carousel View (SfCarousel) control is configured entirely in C# code or by using XAML markup. The following steps explain on how to create a SfCarousel and configure its elements,
- Adding namespace for the added assemblies. [XAML]
- Now add the SfCarousel control with a required optimal name by using the included namespace. [XAML]
<carousel:SfCarousel x:Name="carousel" />
We can populate the carousel’s items by using any one of the following ways,
Through SfCarouselItem
Through ItemTemplate
By passing the list of SfCarouselItem , we can get the view of SfCarousel control. In that we can pass Images as well as Item content.
The following code example illustrates to add list of Images in Carousel ,
using Syncfusion.SfCarousel.XForms;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using Xamarin.Forms;
namespace CarouselSample
public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
public MainPage()
SfCarousel carousel = new SfCarousel()
ItemWidth = 170,
ItemHeight = 250
ObservableCollection<SfCarouselItem> carouselItems = new ObservableCollection<SfCarouselItem>();
carouselItems.Add(new SfCarouselItem() { ImageName = "carousel_person1.png" });
carouselItems.Add(new SfCarouselItem() { ImageName = "carousel_person2.png" });
carouselItems.Add(new SfCarouselItem() { ImageName = "carousel_person3.png" });
carouselItems.Add(new SfCarouselItem() { ImageName = "carousel_person4.png" });
carouselItems.Add(new SfCarouselItem() { ImageName = "carousel_person5.png" });
carousel.ItemsSource = carouselItems;
this.Content = carousel;
The following code example illustrates to add list of Item in Carousel ,
using Syncfusion.SfCarousel.XForms;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using Xamarin.Forms;
namespace CarouselSample
public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
public MainPage()
SfCarousel carousel = new SfCarousel()
ItemWidth = 170,
ItemHeight = 250
ObservableCollection<SfCarouselItem> carouselItems = new ObservableCollection<SfCarouselItem>();
carouselItems.Add(new SfCarouselItem()
ItemContent = new Button()
Text = "ItemContent1",
TextColor = Color.White,
BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#7E6E6B"),
FontSize = 12
carouselItems.Add(new SfCarouselItem()
ItemContent = new Label()
Text = "ItemContent2",
BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#7E6E6B"),
HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
FontSize = 12
carouselItems.Add(new SfCarouselItem()
ItemContent = new Image()
Source = "carousel_person1.png",
Aspect = Aspect.AspectFit
carousel.ItemsSource = carouselItems;
this.Content = carousel;
ItemTemplate property of Xamarin Carousel View (SfCarousel) control is used to customize the contents of SfCarousel items.
- Create a model view which holds image data
namespace CarouselSample
public class CarouselModel
public CarouselModel(string imageString)
Image = imageString;
private string _image;
public string Image
get { return _image; }
set { _image = value; }
- Populate carousel items collection in View model with the image data.
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace CarouselSample
public class CarouselViewModel
public CarouselViewModel()
ImageCollection.Add(new CarouselModel("carousel_person1.png"));
ImageCollection.Add(new CarouselModel("carousel_person2.png"));
ImageCollection.Add(new CarouselModel("carousel_person3.png"));
ImageCollection.Add(new CarouselModel("carousel_person4.png"));
ImageCollection.Add(new CarouselModel("carousel_person5.png"));
private List<CarouselModel> imageCollection = new List<CarouselModel>();
public List<CarouselModel> ImageCollection
get { return imageCollection; }
set { imageCollection = value; }
The following code illustrates the way to use ItemTemplate in both XAML as well as C#
<DataTemplate x:Key="itemTemplate">
<Image Source="{Binding Image}"
<carousel:SfCarousel x:Name="carousel"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource itemTemplate}"
ItemsSource="{Binding ImageCollection}"
WidthRequest="800" />