This repo is retired please see: https://github.com/Signal0ne/signal0ne-docker-extension
Signal0ne docker extension is a tool for debugging and monitoring containerized apps, which enables automated insights about failed containers and containers affected by resource usage anomalies.
docker extension install signaloneai/signalone-extension:latest
- Docker with compose
- Docker Desktop client
- Make
cp backend/.env.template backend/.default.env
# In backend/.default.env replace _APIKEY_ with your Huggingface API key
# Adjust other variables if needed(optional)
cp ext/agent/.env.template ext/agent/.default.env
make --directory=./backend build-backend
make --directory=./backend start-backend
make --directory=./backend start-backend-with-init # to start backend with init sample development data
#Build extension(both agent and frontend)
make --directory=./ext build-extension
#Run extension on your local docker desktop environment
make --directory=./ext install-extension-local
make --directory=./ext start-devenv
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To contribute to this project start by browsing through open issues. If you find any issue you can help with do a fork and create a pull request.