(legacy version : Link to legacy branch)
Texture mapping & lightmaps
PVS Culling
- Bézier patch support
- Debug visualizations (current leaf, leaf bbox, lightvolumes etc..)
Since including Quake 3's files and levels are against the copyright, You'll need to prepare the BSP / ZIP / PK3 Files for yourself. Practically you only need the map files for rendering, But to render the original Quake 3 Arena's bsp files properly, You'll also need a pak0.pk3
from the Q3A.
Getting the files from Quake 3 Arena's demo version (which is free on steam) is one of the viable options.
You can press <E>
to open up the menu and load your maps and assets.
to toggle mouselook<E>
to toggle menu<R>
to toggle current leaf visualization<T>
to toggle camera vector visualization<I>
to toggle lightmap texture filtering<1>
to toggle leaf bounding box visualization<2>
to toggle lightvolume visualization
When mouselook is disabled :
- Use mouse and UI to switch between menu
When mouselook is active :
to move, Mouse to look around
- Implement Frustum culling for leafs
- Implement Quake 3's shader pipelines (This is one of the main reason why some textures are plain white)
- Fix performance issues on maps with a lot of faces
- Improve rendering method (Currently it draws face by face instead of batching by leaves for many reasons including level multitexturing)
- Implement entities loading
- Mesh rendering with lightvolume lighting
- Maybe even implement physics with raycasting & make some Defrag game on gamemaker? IDK.
(All of the scripts are prefixed with zbsp_*
Basic stuff
Script | Description |
zbsp_load_map(file, baseassets, buildlevelmesh, builddbugmesh) |
Loads Quake 3 map in bsp/zip/pk3 format and returns ds_map containing informations of the map |
zbsp_free_map(map) |
Unloads & deletes the given map (returned from zbsp_load_map() ) from memory |
zbsp_reset_baseassets(file) |
Loads base assets that is required for texturing the original Quake 3 maps, If set to -1, Clears the base assets directory. Base assets & files are stored in C:\<USER>\AppData\Local\Q3_BSP . |
zbsp_helper_vars() |
Helper variables for converting lump indexes into lump names in string, Getting sizes of each lumps entry, Enums for indexing BSP map data. |
BSP Loading helpers
(requires file buffer that contains bsp file)
Script | Description | ds_map keys |
zbsp_load_lump_directory(buffer, map) |
Reads directory part of the BSP file from given file buffer into the map | "<lump_name>-diroff" , "<lump_name>-dirlen" (for list of <lump_name> , refer to the Pre-defined BSP Lump names section below.) |
zbsp_load_lump_*(buffer, map) |
Reads lumps data from given file buffer into the map. | "<lump_name>-data" , "<lump_name>-num" |
PVS related helper scripts
= map data returned from zbsp_load_map()
Script | Description |
zbsp_get_leaf_idx(bspdata, x, y, z) |
Returns the index of leaf that given xyz position is inside of. |
zbsp_check_visible(bspdata, cluster, checkcluster) |
Checks if the given Visible cluster checkcluster is visible from cluster |
zbsp_get_visible_leafs(bspdata, list, cluster) |
Clears & adds the every visible leafs from cluster into the given ds_list , list . |
Vertex buffer building helper scripts
= map data returned from zbsp_load_map()
Script | Description |
zbsp_vb_build_faces(mapdata) |
Builds vertex buffer for every faces and stores it in the given ds_map with the key "vb-faces" , "vb-format-face-tex" (vertex format) |
zbsp_vb_build_faces_notexture(mapdata) |
Builds no-textured variant of vertex buffer for every faces and stores it in the given ds_map with the key "vb-faces" , "vb-format-face-notex" (vertex format) |
zbsp_vb_build_leafs_notexture(mapdata) |
Builds no-textured variant of vertex buffer for every leafs and stores it in the given ds_map with the key "vb-leafs" , "vb-format-face-notex" (vertex format) |
Misc. helper scripts
Script | Description |
zbsp_calc_bezier(a, b, c, lerpi2, lerp2, lil2) |
Returns quadratic bezier curve with 3 "control values" a, b, c with given co-efficients :lerpi2 : (1 - t) * (1 - t) lerp2 : t * t lil2 : t * (1 - t) * 2 |
zbsp_calc_lightdot(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, vx, vy, vz) |
Returns the dot product (remapped into 0..1 range) of given triangle(x1y1z1, x2y2z2, x3y3z3 )'s surface normal with given light vector(vxvyvz ) |
zbsp_vb_build_leafs_notexture(mapdata) |
Builds no-textured variant of vertex buffer for every leafs and stores it in the given ds_map with the key "vb-leafs" , "vb-format-face-notex" (vertex format) |
(refer to global.BSPLumpNames[]
in zbsp_helper_vars()
for more information)
The ds_grid has following indices for: x index
= data index (use enums to index), y index
= entry index
Example : leafs[# eBSP_LEAF.BBOX_MIN_X, 0]
returns 0th leaf's bounding box's minimum x position
Index | Name | Description |
0 | "entities" |
Entities lump data. map[? "entities"] returns a string containing entities data, formatted. |
1 | "textures" |
Textures lump data. map[? "textures"] returns a ds_grid containing Textures data.map[? "textures-num"] returns number of entries of texture data. (= ds_grid's height) |
2 | "planes" |
BSP Planes lump data, Returns ds_grid .Can be accessed from the map the same way as above lumps |
3 | "nodes" |
BSP Nodes lump data, Returns ds_grid .Can be accessed from the map the same way as above lumps |
4 | "leafs" |
BSP leaf nodes lump data, Returns ds_grid .Can be accessed from the map the same way as above lumps |
5 | "leaffaces" |
Leaf's face index lump data, Returns ds_list with size of map[? "leaffaces-num"] |
6 | "leafbrushes" |
Leaf's brush index lump data, Returns ds_list .Can be accessed from the map the same way as above lumps |
7 | "models" |
Models lump data, Returns ds_grid .Can be accessed from the map the same way as above lumps |
8 | "brushes" |
Collision brush lump data, Returns ds_grid .Can be accessed from the map the same way as above lumps |
9 | "brushsides" |
Brush's sides lump data, Returns ds_grid .Can be accessed from the map the same way as above lumps |
10 | "vertices" |
Vertex lump data, Returns ds_grid .Can be accessed from the map the same way as above lumps |
11 | "meshverts" |
Mesh vertex index lump data, Returns ds_list .Can be accessed from the map the same way as above lumps |
12 | "effects" |
Effect lump data, Returns ds_grid .Can be accessed from the map the same way as above lumps |
13 | "faces" |
Level mesh's face lump data, Returns ds_grid .Can be accessed from the map the same way as above lumps |
14 | "lightmaps" |
Lightmap lump data, "lightmaps-sprites" returns ds_list of lightmap sprites."lightmaps-data" returns ds_grid of lightmap uv in lightmap atlas. |
15 | "lightvols" |
Lightvolume lump data, Returns ds_grid .Can be accessed from the map the same way as above lumps |
16 | "visdata" |
Compressed PVS (Potentially visible set) data of each Visibility clusters."visdata" returns buffer containing the PVS data."visdata-size" returns the bytes-per-cluster information."visdata-num" returns the number of clusters.Cluster x is visible from cluster y if the (1 << y % 8) bit of buffer[x * "visdata-size" + y / 8] is set. |
This was the total re-write & upgrade of my previous attempt at loading BSP in gamemaker, See the legacy branch for my previous attempt.
I'm doing this project soley for fun and as a Hobby project, And I am very happy with how the results were turned out.
Quake 3 Maps in screenshots are :
q3dm1.bsp, q3dm7.bsp, asylum.bsp, threestory.bsp
from Quake 3 : Arena and Quake Live.
lun3dm5.zip, lun3_20b1.zip
from ..::LvL - Q3A Database
Unofficial Quake 3 Map Specs by Kekoa Proudfoot
Rendering Quake 3 Maps by Morgan McGuire
Document about Id Tech 3 and an overview for Binary space partitioning on Wikipedia
Happy coding!