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Adding a Custom Block Area Reward

Ryan Turk edited this page Dec 14, 2019 · 2 revisions

Available in versions 5.0.0 and above!

Before you add a block area reward, you need to have the basic reward setup. If you have not done that already, you need to head here to set up the base for the reward.


Field Name Type Default Field Description
xSize Integer 1 The area size in the x direction to fill with the specified block
ySize Integer 1 The area size in the y direction to fill with the specified block
zSize Integer 1 The area size in the z direction to fill with the specified block
block String minecraft:dirt Formatted mod:blockName:metadata(optional) - This is the block to fill the specified area with
xOff Integer 0 The offset to apply to where the area is placed in the x direction
yOff Integer 0 The offset to apply to where the area is placed in the y direction
zOff Integer 0 The offset to apply to where the area is placed in the z direction
falling Boolean false True makes the blocks spawn slightly overhead and fall into position. False will spawn the blocks in normally where it is set to.
delay Integer 0 The delay for the block area to wait after the Chance Cube is broken before filling said area.
relativeToPlayer Boolean false True makes the blocks spawn with the offset's based on the players position and not the Chance Cube. False does the opposite.
causesUpdate Boolean false True makes the blocks cause block updates when placed in. False does not!


		"chance": 0,
                               "xSize": 5,
                               "ySize": 3,
                               "zSize": 5,
                               "block": "minecraft:ice",
                               "xOff": -2,
                               "yOff": 0,
                               "zOff": -2,
                               "falling": false,
                               "delay": 0,
                               "causesUpdate": false,
                               "relativeToPlayer": true


Config Tutorial: