A 007 themed ecommerce site with add to cart and checkout functionality. This was created in Django with HTML and CSS for front-end development.
- Django 3.1.3 (Python 3.8.3)
- PyCharm/Command
- Command Line
Customers are able to complete the following actions:
- Register an account
- Amend profile details (name, email, profile picture etc).
- Login
- Logout
- Browse films/actors
- Submit favourite film/actor
- Watch trailers for films
- Add any films to a cart
- Amend the quantity of items
- Delete cart items
- Checkout with the aformentioned items via completion of address and payment forms.
Admin users are given specific permissions and are able to view an order/customer panel summarising all core data.
The navigation bar is structured to render different options depending on whether the user is logged in/out and if they are an admin/customer.
Two decorators are used for access purposes differentiating between admin and customer groups:
- unauthenticated_user
- allowed_users