loads transit data in GTFS format,
unzips it and stores it to a MongoDB database. In addition, it provides some
methods to query for agencies, routes, stops and times. It also has spatial
queries to find nearby stops, routes and agencies.
The GTFS-to-HTML app uses node-gtfs for downloading, importing and querying GTFS data. It provides a good example of how to use this library.
You can clone from github:
git clone
cd node-gtfs
npm install
or install directly from npm:
npm install gtfs
cd node_modules/gtfs
Copy config-sample.json
to config.json
and then add your projects configuration to config.json
cp config-sample.json config.json
Before you can use gtfs-to-html you must specify the transit agencies you'd like to use. To find transit agencies in New York State, go here.
You can specify agencies using a url
to the GTFS file or a local path
To find an agency's GTFS URL, visit You can use the direct URL from the agency or you can use a URL generated from the API along with your API token.
- Specify a download URL:
"agencies": [
"agency_key": "county-connection",
"url": ""
- Specify a path to a zipped GTFS file:
"agencies": [
"agency_key": "myAgency",
"path": "/path/to/the/"
- Specify a path to an unzipped GTFS file:
"agencies": [
"agency_key": "myAgency",
path: "/path/to/the/unzipped/gtfs/"
Add the MongoDB URI to config.json
with the key mongo_url
. Running locally, you may want to use mongodb://localhost:27017/gtfs
"mongo_url": "mongodb://localhost:27017/gtfs",
"agencies": [
"agency_key": "myAgency",
path: "/path/to/the/unzipped/gtfs/"
You can optionally specify a proj4 projection string to correct poorly formed coordinates:
"mongo_url": "mongodb://localhost:27017/gtfs",
"agencies": [
agency_key: 'localAgency',
path: '/path/to/the/unzipped/gtfs/',
proj: '+proj=lcc +lat_1=46.8 +lat_0=46.8 +lon_0=0 +k_0=0.99987742 +x_0=600000 +y_0=2200000 +a=6378249.2 +b=6356515 +towgs84=-168,-60,320,0,0,0,0 +pm=paris +units=m +no_defs'
If you don't want the import script to print any output to the console, you can set verbose
to false
"mongo_url": "mongodb://localhost:27017/gtfs",
"agencies": [
agency_key: 'localAgency',
path: '/path/to/the/unzipped/gtfs/',
"verbose": false
If you don't want all GTFS files to be imported, you can specify an array of files to exclude.
"mongo_url": "mongodb://localhost:27017/gtfs",
"agencies": [
agency_key: 'localAgency',
path: '/path/to/the/unzipped/gtfs/',
exclude: [
npm run import
By default, the import script will delete any existing data with the same agency_key
from your database. If you don't want this to happen, pass the --skip-delete
npm run import -- --skip-delete
To keep schedules up to date, you could schedule this to occur once per day.
You can include this library in your project to expose some functions for querying GTFS data.
Include this library.
var gtfs = require('gtfs');
Returns an array of all agencies.
gtfs.agencies(function(err, agencies) {
###Agencies near a point
Returns an array of agencies within a radius
of the lat
, lon
gtfs.getAgenciesByDistance(lat, lon, radius, function(err, agencies) {
Returns an agency. An agency_key
is required, optionally you can specify an agency_id
for GTFS files that have more than one agency listed in agencies.txt
gtfs.getAgency(agency_key, function(err, agency) {
gtfs.getAgency(agency_key, agency_id, function(err, agency) {
Returns an array of routes for the agency_key
specified. An agency_key
is required, optionally you can specify an agency_id
for GTFS files that have more than one agency listed in agencies.txt
gtfs.getRoutesByAgency(agency_key, function(err, routes) {
gtfs.getRoutesByAgency(agency_key, agency_id, function(err, routes) {
Returns a route for the route_id
gtfs.getRoutesById(agency_key, route_id, function(err, routes) {
Returns an array of routes within a radius
of the lat
, lon
gtfs.getRoutesByDistance(lat, lon, radius, function(err, routes) {
is optional and in miles. Default: 1 mile.
Returns an array of routes serving the agency_key
and stop_id
gtfs.getRoutesByStop(agency_key, stop_id, function(err, routes) {
Returns an array of stops, optionally limited to those matching the stop_ids
gtfs.getStops(agency_key, stop_ids, function(err, stops) {
is optional and can be a single stop_id
or an array of stop_ids
Returns an array of stops along the route_id
for the agency_key
and direction_id
gtfs.getStopsByRoute(agency_key, route_id, direction_id, function(err, stops) {
Returns an array of stops within a radius
of the lat
, lon
gtfs.getStopsByDistance(lat, lon, radius, function(err, stops) {
is optional and in miles. Default: 1 mile
Returns an array of stoptimes for the trip_id
gtfs.getStoptimesByTrip(agency_key, trip_id, function(err, stoptimes) {
Returns an array of stoptimes for the agency_key
, route_id
, stop_id
gtfs.getStoptimesByStop(agency_key, route_id, stop_id, direction_id, function(err, stoptimes) {
Returns an array of trips for the agency_key
, route_id
and direction_id
gtfs.getTripsByRouteAndDirection(agency_key, route_id, direction_id, service_ids, function(err, trips) {
is optional
Returns an array of shapes for the agency_key
, route_id
and direction_id
specified sorted by shape_pt_sequence
gtfs.getShapesByRoute(agency_key, route_id, direction_id, service_ids, function(err, shapes) {
is optional
Returns an array of calendars, optionally bounded by start_date and end_date
gtfs.getCalendars(agency_key, start_date, end_date, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, function(err, calendars) {
Returns an array of calendars for the service_ids
gtfs.getCalendarsByService(service_ids, function(err, calendars) {
can be a single service_id
or an array of service_ids
Returns an array of calendarDates for the service_ids
gtfs.getCalendarDatesByService(service_ids, function(err, calendars) {
can be a single service_id
or an array of service_ids
Returns feed_info for the agency_key specified
gtfs.getFeedInfo(agency_key, function(err, feedinfo) {
Returns an array of timetables for the agency_key
gtfs.getTimetablesByAgency(agency_key, function(err, timetables) {
Returns an array timetable objects matching the timetable_id
specified. A
timetable may consist of multiple overlapping routes, so more than one timetable
object can be returned.
gtfs.getTimetable(agency_key, timetable_id, function(err, timetable) {
Returns an array of TimetableStopOrder objects matching the timetable_id
gtfs.getTimetableStopOrders(agency_key, timetable_id, function(err, timetableStopOrders) {
Returns an array of timetable pages for the agency_key
gtfs.getTimetablePagesByAgency(agency_key, function(err, timetablePages) {
Returns an array timetable pages matching the timetable_page_id
gtfs.getTimetablePage(agency_key, timetable_page_id, function(err, timetable) {
To run tests:
npm test
npm run lint