- Click on the green code button on top right corner.
- In HTTPS column copy the url.
- Go to your terminal cd to location of your choice then write "git clone https://github.com/VaibhavNITK/IRIS_Rec23_211CS162_MERN.git " . You can specify the name of folder after MERN.git, if not specified it will create folder with by default name.
- cd to backend
- Run command npm i then npm install --global nodemon (if not installed) then npm run dev on your terminal.(DONT USE NITK NET)
- This will be visible on your terminal Server is listening on port 4000 Database Connected with ac-2idpws3-shard-00-00.aqnwcgv.mongodb.net
- cd to frontend
- Run command npm i then npm start or npm run start on your terminal.
- Backend will be running on http://localhost:4000/
- Frontend will be running on http://localhost:3000/
Whole website is responsive
Landing Page
Authentication of admin during login
Option for admin to create new company
Option for admin to update the company if it already exists(like making active true)
Option for admin to delete the company
Option for admin to view his profile page
Option for new users to register
Authentication of users during login
All companies with status active visible to users .
Users fulfilling the requirements(basically there is a branch check criterion) of company can apply to it
Option for Users to see applied companies
Options for Users to see profile page.
Option for POC to update details of company for which he is assigned POC.
Option for logout for both Users and Admin.
if you want to login as admin use vaibhavagarwal693@gmail.com as email and vaibhav321 as password . I aslo created register page for admin but then i thought it wont make sense as any one can register as admin so thats why im not using admin register page.
- There is no option for admin and poc to see whoever has applied to that company although backend is ready but not able to integrate it.
- There is no option for users to upload resume.(will add in future).
- In company branch requirement I'm assuming only one branch and also only one role.
- Page needs to refreshed after both user and admin login otherwise it wont work properly.