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113 lines (83 loc) · 4.77 KB

File metadata and controls

113 lines (83 loc) · 4.77 KB

Read in other languages: Українська, English.

Acceptance criteria

  • goit-js-hw-10 repository created.
  • In your submitted homework, there are two links: One to your source files and one to your working page on GitHub Pages.
  • During live page visits, there are no errors or warnings generated in the console.
  • Project built with parcel-project-template.
  • Code formatted with Prettier.

Start files

In the src folder, you will find start files. Copy them to your project completely, replacing the src folder in parcel-project-template. To do this, download this entire repository as an archive or use the DownGit service to download a separate folder from the repository.

Task - country search

Create a front-end part of the application to search for information about countries by their partial or full names. Check out the demo video of the app.

HTTP requests

Use the public API Rest Countries, namely resource name, which returns an array of country objects that match the search criteria. Add at least some decoration to the interface elements.

Write a function, fetchCountries(name), that makes an HTTP request to resource name and returns a promise with an array of countries - the result of your request. Move it to a separate file called fetchCountries.js and make a named export.

Field filtering

The back-end returns objects with some properties most of which you do not need. To reduce the amount of data transferred, add a string of request parameters - this is how this back-end implements field filtering. Check out the filter syntax documentation.

You only need the following properties:

  • name.official - full name of the country
  • capital - capital
  • population - population
  • flags.svg - link to flag images
  • languages - array of languages

Search box

The user enters the name of the country to search for in the input#search-box text field. HTTP requests are made by typing the country name, that is, on the input event. However, you cannot make a request every time a key is pressed, since many requests will be made at the same time, and they will be executed in an unpredictable order.

It is necessary to use the Debounce technique on the event handler and make an HTTP request 300ms after the user has stopped typing text. Use the lodash.debounce package.

If the user clears the search box completely, the HTTP request is not executed, and the country list markup or country information disappears.

Sanitize the entered line using the trim() method, which will solve the problem when there are only spaces in the input field or at the beginning/end of the line.


If the back-end returns more than 10 countries, a notification appears in the interface saying that the name should be more specific. For notifications, use the notiflix library and display this line: "Too many matches found. Please enter a more specific name.".

Too many matches alert

If the back-end returns from 2 to 10 countries, a list of found countries is displayed under the text field. Each list item consists of a flag and country name.

Country list UI

If the request results in an array with one country, the interface displays the card markup with information about the country: flag, name, capital, population and languages.

Country info UI

⚠️ It is enough for the app to work for most countries. Some countries, such as Sudan, can be problematic because the name of the country is part of the name of another country, South Sudan. Do not worry about these exceptions.

Error handling

If the user enters the name of a country that does not exist, the back-end will return not an empty array, but an error with the status code 404 - not found. If you do not handle this, the user will never know that the search has not returned any results. Add a notification, "Oops, there is no country with that name"`, in case of an error using the notiflix library.

Error alert

⚠️ Remember that fetch does not treat 404 as an error, so you need to explicitly reject the promise in order to catch and handle the error.