Release 29
SimpleOCR updated to latest version.
Return old fix for bankscreen and other interface titles overlapping the uptext of the mainscreen.
, addInventory.CountStack
Adds banking tweaks, deprecates a few older constructs.
function TRSBank.WithdrawItem(Item: TRSBankWithdrawItem; UseQuantityButtons: Boolean): Boolean;
function TRSBank.DepositItem(Item: TRSBankDepositItem; UseQuantityButtons: Boolean): Boolean;
Replaced by methods that uses the one structure for both deposits and withdrawals.
function TRSBank.WithdrawItem(out item: TRSBankItem; useQuantityButtons: Boolean): Boolean;
function TRSBank.DepositItem(item: TRSBankItem; useQuantityButtons: Boolean): Boolean; overload;