A virtual world created using Three.js, dedicated to my favorite anime characters. Explore a captivating 3D environment filled with stunning anime character photos, ambient music, and intuitive camera controls.
Immersive 3D World: Dive into a virtual environment showcasing beautiful anime character images. Ambient Music: Enjoy a relaxing experience with mild background music. Intuitive Controls: Easily navigate the virtual space with simple camera movement instructions.
Documentation of this Project is Here
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/WebRevo/AnimeScape.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd Anime_Scape
npm i && npx vite
sarathi2021ai@gmail.com Or Join our Slack Channel: https://join.slack.com/t/team-revoshared_invitezt-23bhnca2e-VEbQiDF8c~1hUYVjsNa06Q
Thank you for checking out project.! Enjoy your journey through this virtual world of anime characters.