Yay, we've built ourselves an app. It makes shopping, decision-making and collaboration much easier. And we make our impact visible!
Some features:
- Shopping: membership card, shopping list (planned), digital and anonymous receipt (planned).
- Decision-making: product suggestions, decision-making processes (planned).
- Collaboration: shift planning, training material.
- Community: impact, presentation of the suppliers, events (planned).
Set up Flutter development environment first [https://flutter.dev/].
flutter clean
flutter run
- install Flutter and Flutter Intl plugins
- restart
- open project
- you should be able to start simulator/emulator for iOS (macOS only) and Android (requires Android SDK)
annotations and handling of i18n files need the code generator to run from time to time.
flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
You may as well run the code generator continuously using:
flutter pub run build_runner watch