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WolkAbout C++11 Connector library for connecting devices to WolkAbout IoT platform instance .
Supported protocol:
- Wolkabout Protocol/Digital Twin (22.GA)
This repository must be cloned from the command line using:
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/Wolkabout/WolkConnect-Cpp.git
Following tools/libraries are required in order to build WolkAbout C++ connector:
- CMake (version 3.5+)
- GNU C++ Compiler
- LibSSL
- PThread
And all of them can be installed this way:
apt update
apt install cmake g++ libssl-dev libpthread-stubs0-dev
Afterwards dependencies are installed, the Makefile build system can be generated by invoking:
cd WolkConnect-Cpp # Change the directory if you haven't
Generated build system is located inside out
cd out # Change the directory if you haven't
make -j$(nproc) # Make the library
make tests -j$(nproc) # Make and run the tests
make full_example/pull_example/register_example/simple_example -j$(nproc) # Make any of the examples
There are 4 examples that each show some other functionalities of the WolkConnect-Cpp:
- Simple Example - Simplest PUSH device just sending data periodically.
- Register Example - Device registering its own feed and attribute.
- Pull Example - Device that is periodically connected to the platform and does data PULL when online.
- Full Feature Example - A fully featured device with File Management and Firmware Update functionality.
Establishing connection with WolkAbout IoT platform:
// Defining device information
auto device = wolkabout::Device(DEVICE_KEY, DEVICE_PASSWORD, wolkabout::OutboundDataMode::PUSH /* or PULL */);
// Creating the Wolk instance
auto wolk = wolkabout::Wolk::newBuilder(device).host(PLATFORM_HOST).build();
// Connecting to the platform
Here we're going to list out all the WolkBuilder
methods. Note, these all are optional calls, all of them have some
default value already set:
// Creating the Wolk instance
auto wolkBuilder = wolkabout::Wolk::newBuilder(device)
.host(PLATFORM_HOST) // Sets the MQTT broker path - used to connect with the platform
.caCertPath(CA_CERT_PATH) // Path to a `ca.crt` file - used to establish a secure connection with the platform
.feedUpdateHandler(...) // Sets the callback which will receive FeedValues updates sent by the platform
.parameterHandler(...) // Set the callback which will receive Parameter updates sent by the platform
.withPersistence(...) // Sets the default message persistence - used while the connection is offline
.withDataProtocol(...) // Sets a custom DataProtocol implementation
.withFileTransfer(...) // Enables the FileManagement functionality with only platform transfers enabled - Use only if device is PUSH
.withFileURLDownload(...) // Enables the FileManagement functionality with the File URL downloading enabled (and platform transfers optionally) - Use only if device is PUSH
.withFileListener(...) // Sets an object that will receive information about newly added/removed files - Use only if device is PUSH
.withFirmwareUpdate(...) // Enables the FirmwareUpdate functionality in either FirmwareInstall mode (for PUSH devices) or FirmwareParametersListener (for PULL devices).
Connecting and disconnecting
Publishing feed values:
wolk->addReading("T", 20.4);
wolk->addReading("SW", false, 1638537962000); // Optional timestamp value in milliseconds
Registering feeds and attributes
// Defining a feed
auto feed = Feed{"New Feed Name", "NFN", wolkabout::FeedType::IN, wolkabout::Unit::NUMERIC};
// Defining an attribute
auto attribute = wolkabout::Attribute{"New Attribute", wolkabout::DataType::NUMERIC,
Removing feeds
wolk->removeFeed("NFN"); // Reference of the feed we registered above.
Updating parameters
Be careful with updating parameters!
wolk->updateParameter(wolkabout::ParameterName::EXTERNAL_ID, "Device ID");
Pulling feed values & parameters
If you have set a FeedValueHandler
using .feedUpdateHandler()
, or ParameterHandler
using .parameterHandler()
you can use pull methods to receive values: