Android application that allows the user to get random or user targeted recipes suggestions based on the provided restrictions.
The application will allow the display of the necessary ingredients/quantities to manufacture the dish, preparation methods, nutrients information dissected into macro and micronutrients, total meal calories, etc.
Finally, you will be able to customize your own profile, track your cooking adventures, create polls to vote on your favorite dish from a set of options and numerous more features to come.
- Random recipe sugestion
- User targeted recipe sugestion
- Select meal type: Breakfast, Lunch, Brunch, Dinner
- Select dish type: BBQ, Dessert, Pasta, Pizza, Salad, Soup, Stew, etc...
- Select ingredients: Fish, Herbs, Meat, Spices, Vegetables, etc...
- Dish ingredients/quantities
- Dish preparation methods
- Dish total calories
- Dish nutrients information
- Dish macronutrients information
- Dish micronutrients information
- User photo
- User biography
- User alergies
- Public voting system
- Top dishes of the day/week/month
- History tracking of the dishes manufactured by the user
- Create polls to vote on your favorite dish from a set of options
- Calories calculator
During our investigation period, we found that many of the recipes can only be found in books or on certain websites, and there is no common area between the two. It was also possible to observe that many of the websites do not have a system of suggestions, complete nutritional information of the recipe dissected in macro and micronutrients and finally nor way to refine a research in the website based on multiple restrictions (Type of meal, used ingredients, user allergens, etc.).
From teens aging 16 to the elderly, from the ones who are beginning their journey in the world of cooking to the ones who just need an idea on what to cook.
Create a web application that allows the user to get random or user targeted recipes suggestions based on the provided restrictions. The application will allow the display of the necessary ingredients/quantities to manufacture the dish, preparation methods, nutrients information dissected into macro and micronutrients, total meal calories, etc. Finally, you will be able to customize your own profile, track your cooking adventures, create polls to vote on your favorite dish from a set of options and numerous more features to come.
Recipe Roulette ( - is a random recipe generator in which the user refers the type of cuisine he is interested (Vietnamese, Italian, etc...), the main ingredient (fish, seafood, etc...), dietary requirements (vegan, gluten-free, etc...) and from that he will obtain a random recipe suggestion. The main issue with this web application is the lack of options to help refine the search, users can't configure their profiles with their health issues (allergies, for example) or get any type of nutrient information about the recipe.