Build a Spring Boot (v2.5.0) Java 8 Gradle project and push it to GitHub or BitBucket. The application should implement a secure RESTful web service that stores and displays information about subject in a clinical trial.
- Subject model should contain id, name, age, sex, occupation
- RESTful APIs: a. retrieve all subject b. get subject by id c. add new subject
- Prepopulate the database with 10 subject (H2 database recommended for ease of development)
- Build an extremely simple html frontend (we will not be judging your design skills): a. Table/list showing existing subject (paginated for extra credit!) b. Form to create and save a new subject using RESTful API and ajax c. Automatic update of subject table upon successful save
- Bonus: secure the html frontend with Oauth2
- Building a RESTful Web Service with Spring Boot Actuator
- Spring Boot - Building RESTful Web Services
- Introduction to RESTful Web Services
- A Quick Guide to OAuth 2.0 with Spring Security
- Consuming RESTful Web Services
- Spring Boot H2 Database
- Get an access token for Postman with Okta
- How to Initialize a Database with Spring Boot
- Spring Boot - Loading Initial Data - Stack Overflow
- 403 forbidden when I try to post to my spring api?
- Handling Form Submission
- HTML Input Types
- Springboot + thymeleaf displaying database contents in html table
- DataTables
- DataTable doesn't work (jQuery)