This is the second project of Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree Program .
It is to be an online portfolio site site to showcase my projects. It is a static & responsive website built using HTML and css framework - bootstrap.
You can download or clone the project to explore it by yourself. Open up the index.html, from the root directory, to view it in the browser or play around by making changes :)
(P.S: The website is made responsive to the maximum extent using bootstrap-4 grid layout and css media queries. It is tested on IE9, Edge, Chrome and Firefox browsers. Responsiveness of the layout, images and text is tested using the developer tools of Chrome and Firefox browsers. Tested for: Nexus 5, IPad & desktop. Both the index.html and styles.css files are validated online. Screenshot of the results are available in the root folder )
Abdullah A. Salman
- All the media (including images, links, videos) used in this website may subject to copyrights of the respective owners.
- These are used for educational purpose only and not for any commercial use.
- This readme file is created by following the guidelines provided on Udacity Discussion Forum and using an online markdown editor.