Project Domain: Medicine
Tools used: Python
Type of Algorithms used: Logistics Regression, RandomForest, K-NearestNeighbours
Project Summary:
The objective of this work is to compare the performance of different algorithms when predicting the outcome in one Dataset.
Details about the Dataset:
The Dataset bmd.csv contains 169 records of bone densitometries (measurement of bone mineral density). It contains the following variables:
- id: patient’s number
- age : patient’s age
- sex: patient's gender
- fracture : hip fracture (fracture / no fracture)
- weight_kg : patient's weight in Kg
- height_cm : patient's height in cm
- medication: medication taken by the patient.
- waiting_time : time the patient had to wait for the densitometry (in minutes)
- bmd : patient's measured hip bone mineral density
Libraries used:
- For Preprocessing: Pandas, Numpy and Matplotlib.pyplot
- For Model Creation: Sklearn (datasets, feature_selection, linear_model, feature_selection.RFE) and LogisticRegression.
Data Preprocessing details:
- We used describe to spot any missing numeric field;
- groupby and crosstab to easily identify potential relations betweem the predicting variables and the target (fracture/no-fracture);
- get_dummies, join and drop to create a new dataset with a format that where we can apply Logistics Regression,
- We then removed the id column from the dataset, dtypes to check the column type and astype to transform string columns to integer.
Model Creation with Sklearn:
- We grouped our predicting variables under the value X and defined our target as Y
- We used RFE and LogisticRegression to rank the impact of every predicting variable on the target variable.
- We run the model, obtaining a score of 0.8224852071005917, which means that 82.24...% of the targets were predicted correctly.
- Based on the ranking previously obtain, wed remove some variables from X. We get our best score when we only use the variables age, medication_No medication, waiting_time and bmd: 84.02%.
- Cross Validation: We apply cross validation, obtaining a result of 83.38%, which is line with our previous results.
- Confussion Matrix and ROC Curve: We obtain an auc of 81,70% (in line with the previous results).
Logistics Regression Score: 84.02%.
Libraries used:
- For Preprocessing: Pandas, Numpy and Matplotlib.pyplot
- For Model Creation: Sklearn (tree.DecisionTreeClassifier, model_selection.KFold, model_selection.cross_val_score, ensemble.RandomForestClassifier)
- For Tree Visualization: tree.export_graphviz, os, sys, graphviz.Source
Data Preprocessing details:
- We used describe to spot any missing numeric field;
- groupby and crosstab to easily identify potential relations betweem the predicting variables and the target (fracture/no-fracture);
- get_dummies, join and drop to create a new dataset with a format that where we can apply Logistics Regression,
- We then removed the id column from the dataset, dtypes to check the column type and astype to transform string columns to integer.
Model Creation with DecisionTreeClassifier:
- We grouped our predicting variables under the value predictors and defined our target as target
- We divided our dataset into a training set (aprox 75%) and a testing set (aprox 25%).
- We used DecisionTreeClassifier to create and fit our model (using the training set).
- We calculated our score using the testing set: Our score is 83.33%.
- We validated these results. They are correct: We have 35 cases in which the model predicted correctly and 7 in which it did not (35/42 = 0.833).
- One comment regarding this method: If we split our original dataset, and run our model again, we will obtain different results.
- Fortunately, the following two methods perform better in terms of variability.
Model Creation with Cross Validation:
- We used KFold and cross_val_score to build our model. We used the complete dataset (no need to divide the dataset into training and testing here).
- We calculated our score using a max_depth of 5. Our score is 82.2%.
- We created a loop to understand how we can change max_depth to improve the model. We discovered that a max_depth of 1 or 2 returns a score of 88.78%.
Model Creation with RandomForestClassifier:
- We build our model using the training set.
- We set the n_estimators parameter to 10000 (that will be the quantity of trees that the model will create).
- Our score is 85.03%.
Tree/Forest Score: 88.78%.
Libraries used:
- For Preprocessing: Pandas and Numpy
- For Model Creation: Sklearn (preprocessing, neighbors, model_selection.cross_val_score, model_selection.train_test_split)
Data Preprocessing details:
- We used describe to spot any missing numeric field;
- groupby and crosstab to easily identify potential relations betweem the predicting variables and the target (fracture/no-fracture);
- get_dummies, join and drop to create a new dataset with a format that where we can apply Logistics Regression,
- We then removed the id column from the dataset, dtypes to check the column type and astype to transform string columns to integer.
Model Creation with KNeighborsClassifier:
- We grouped our predicting variables under the value X and defined our target as Y
- We divided our dataset into a training set (aprox 70%) and a testing set (aprox 30%).
- We used KNeighborsClassifier to create and fit our model (using the training set).
- We calculated our score using the testing set: Our score is 74.51%.
- One comment regarding this method: If we split our original dataset, and run our model again, we will obtain different results.
- To avoid this, we can run our models multiple times and calculate average accuracy (as we will do next).
Model Fine Tuning
- We will fine tune our model using two methods.
- We first will choose the best combination of columns to be used as predictors.
- Then we will modify the parameters contained inside KNeighborsClassifier (algorithm, leaf_size, metric, metric_params, n_neighbors, p, weights).
- In all these cases, we will use 1000 iterations and average the results:
- Columns: The combination of columns that give us the best results when used as predictors are 'age', 'weight_kg', 'height_cm', 'bmd'.
- N_Neighbors: When using the value 25, our model gives the best results.
- For all the other parameters the same.
KNN Score: 77.74%.
- As we have seen, we have analysed our Dataset using three different kind of algorithms: Logistic Regression, Random Tree/Forest and KNN.
- When we compared their results, we found out that the performance of Random Tree/Forest was the best (88.78%)
- Random Tree/Forest performed significately higher than Logistics Regression (84.02%) or KNN (77.74%).