This is Asha Ivey's portfolio website with details about her and the projects she has worked on.
To test the website locally, you would need credentials for a service account with Google Cloud Datastore. You would need to set the credentials in the terminal, where "KEY_PATH" is the location of the credentials json file:
You also need to make sure that Flask knows where your app code is. You need to specify the file name of the flask app:
export FLASK_APP=main
To deploy/redeploy the flask app, follow the steps below in your terminal, at the location of your app.
- Login to Google Cloud. It will redirect you to a browser page where you can login with Google. Use this command:
gcloud auth login
- If you need to change the selected project, using the following with the correct project name:
gcloud config set project "PROJECT NAME"
- Deploy the app using the following:
gcloud app deploy