Avian is a website where users can search, book and/or cancel flight tickets.
To see the project in action, go to http://avian-official.herokuapp.com/
Node.js for running server-side JavaScript. You can find instructions on how to download and install Node.js for your computer here.
MongoDB (Community Edition preferrably) to store data. Instructions on downloading and installing MongoDB on your computer can be found here.
Once you have Node.js and MongoDB installed on your computer,
git clone https://github.com/akshat-rawat/Avian.git
cd avian
npm install
seshSECRET = <session secret>
dbSECRET = <database secret>
npm start
- User login with email and password.
- For new user, there is a sign-up option.
- User can only book and cancel ticktets after logging in.
- User cannot cancel flight tickets without being authenticated.
Ticket booking functionalities:
- Search for tickets with necessary parameters.
- Filter search by price, duration or alphatical order.
Contact feature for any queries.
Flash messages responding to users' interaction with the app.
Responsive web design.