Show Pulse plugin allows you to see and remotely controller what happens with your light show. This plugin is designed to work with Falcon Pi Player.
There are two ways to install the plugin. Using FPP user interface or using PHP's Composer.
To install the plugin to your Falcon Pi Player, go to the Plugins section of the FPP. Then copy and paste the URL below to install the plugin.
Open a terminal or command prompt window, and go to the plugin directory or other directory of your chosing. Then enter the command
composer require almostengr/show-pulse-fpp
See the User Guide for how to configure the plugin.
The version number for this plugin is in the following format. Using the example of
"5" represents the major Falcon Pi Player version number that the plugin is designed for
"2024.07.26" represents the date, in YYYY-MM-DD format, that the release was created