A route-planning app that finds the scenic way to get to places.
Available on the App Store for iOS
Android release and development builds:
- Find new routes to your favourite destinations with directions for walking and cycling.
- Take advantage of optimized routing for gravel cycling, prioritizing unpaved trails/roads.
- Customize your route by selecting the ideal mix of trails and specifying an area to avoid.
- Explore nearby parks within your preferred travel distance.
- View trip details such as distance, estimated time, and surface information.
- Sign in to personalize and manage your profile, including saving routes for future adventures.
- Export routes to GPX.
- Route Explorer: Choose a distance and discover nearby loops.
- Discover page with routes from other users.
- Save and share your own routes.
📜 Terms
Setting Mapbox access token
To create an access token, you must first create a Mapbox account. The token should have the Downloads:Read
- to download the Android SDK add the token configuration to
- to download the iOS SDK add the token configuration to
machine api.mapbox.com
login mapbox
Setting other secret tokens
Next, create a .env
file in the root directory of the project. This file will contain other tokens required for the app. The file should look like this:
- Use your Mapbox public token in this file.
- For the app token, contact trailblaze.team@outlook.com
- The Mapbox access token and the app token are the only required fields to use the basic functionality of the app (Creating routes locally and exploring existing community routes).
- Other fields are only required for accessing your Trailblaze account (saving routes, posting on the community page) and will not be shared to preserve app security.