Movies Trailer webpage is a project, comprising of a front end and a backend. Based on user provided list of movies, movies trailer webpage is constructed. User can view movie details, and click on it to play its corresponding YouTube trailer. This project backend comprises of python classes to store the movie related information. The objects are instantiated (of different user choice movies) to construct a trailer webpage.
$ git clone
$ cd movies-trailers
$ python
Frontend: HTML/CSS/JS
Backend: Python
Front-end Web Framework: Bootstrap
This file contains classes which are used to build the complete backend of this project. It has two classes Video
and Movie
Video is parent class and Movie is a child class.
class Video
class Movie(Video)
{String} tile of the video -
{String} time duration of the video
{String} year of movie release -
{String} valid rating of the movie -
{String} storyline of the movie -
{String} URL of the image poster -
{String} URL of the YouTube trailer
This file imports the media
module and instantiates class Movie
objects with details of different movies. It supplies the list of movie to build the HTML webpage
Sample object is instantiated as below:
import media
movie_object = media.Movie(movie_title, movie_year, movie_duration, movie_rating, movie_storyline, movie_poster_image, movie_youtube_trailer)
It has task to build the HTML webpage based on the movie objects details supplied to it. It uses bootstrap
web framework to build the webpage.
Its the final HTML movies trailers webpage created on execution of
def title(self)
returns the title of the movie
def title(self, title)
sets the title of the movie
def duration(self)
returns the time duration (in minutes) of the movie
def duration(self, duration)
sets the time duration (in minutes) of the movie
def rating(self)
returns the valid rating of the movie
def rating(self, rating)
sets the valid rating of the movie
def storyLine(self)
returns the storyline of the movie
def storyLine(self, storyline)
sets the storyline of the movie
def year(self)
returns of the year of movie release
def year(self, year)
sets the year of the movie release
def poster_image_URL(self)
returns URL of the poster image of the movie
def poster_image_URL(self, poster_image_url)
sets the URL of the poster image of the movie
def youtube_trailer_URL(self)
returns the URL of the YouTube trailer of the movie
def youtube_trailer_URL(self, youtube_trailer_url)
sets the URL of the YouTube trailer of the movie
New movies can be added to the webpage via
To instantiate a new movie object, first import the media
import media
movie_object = media.Movie(movie_title, movie_year, movie_duration, movie_rating, movie_storyline, movie_poster_image, movie_youtube_trailer)
To add/update an API, classes (Movie
, Video
) under
file can be edited.
can be edited to support new APIs carring movie information to display
Udacity: for providing the starting version of
The contents of this repository are covered under the MIT License.