This is the REST-like API powering
pip install -r requirements.txt
First, create a settings.cfg file:
############# Configuration #############
DEBUG = False
SECRET_KEY = "Better put a proper secret here"
# Path to antiSMASH output directory on disk
RESULTS_PATH = '/data/antismash/upload'
# URL path to antiSMASH results in the webapp
RESULTS_URL = '/upload'
# Flask-Mail settings
# Redis settings
REDIS_URL = 'redis://your.redis.database:port/number'
# defaults to redis://localhost:6379/0
# You can also point at a Redis Sentinel instance using 'sentinel://sentinel.address:port/number'
Then export the path to the settings file as WEBSMASH_CONFIG
variable and use a WSGI runner of your choice to run the app (I'm using uwsgi
in this example).
export WEBSMASH_CONFIG=/var/www/settings.cfg
uwsgi --pythonpath /var/www --http :5000 --module websmash:app --uid 33 --gid 33 --touch-reload /tmp/reload_websmash --daemonize /var/log/uwsgi.log
Now you can connect to the antiSMASH web api at port 5000. Now set up a reverse proxy to serve the web api from port 80.
Just like antiSMASH, the web interface is available under the GNU AGPL version 3.
See the LICENSE.txt
file for details.