This is a Video Chat Application (MWP) Minimum Working Product created using Django and Agora as a part of Hackathon hosted by Dennis Ivy.
Since this project was build for a Hackathon. We were only able to build a Working Product and were unable to impliment the frontend due some issue.
Made with love by arkalsekar (aka Django Backend Developer)
itsyaba (was Supposed to work as a Frontend Developer)
Reev (worked as a Designer)
The Design Mock developed by Reev (our Designer) using Figma can be accessed here.
Clone or Download the this repository and store it on your machine.
git clone
Once Downloaded or Cloned the Repository, Run the following Commands
pip install -r requirements.txt
Once Installed all the requirements. Run the Following Commands.
python makemigrations
python migrate
This is isin't necessary but with this you would be able to login to the website.
python createsuperuser
This command will finally run the server on localhost://8000
python runserver
Now head on to and access the site.