The backend for authoring Dauntless Builder data
For our supported setup you'll need Docker and DDEV installed and configured.
# clone the project
$ git clone
$ cd phalanx
# starts the project
$ ddev start
# create secret
$ ddev artisan key:generate
# next we are setting up the DB...
# (OPTIONAL) if you have a dump (ask or remind me to offer a dump somewhere) you can do this:
$ ddev import-db < my-dump.sql
# Otherwise, lets create a new DB...
$ ddev artisan migrate
# we also need to create a user (this command spawns a PHP REPL)
$ ddev artisan tinker
# $user = new \App\Models\User;
# $user->email = "";
# $user->password = Hash::make("your-password");
# $user->save();
# exit();
# run the build process (perhaps in a different shell...)
$ ddev watch
Phalanx should now be available at (the HTTPS certificate might be invalid if you haven't setup mkcert properly)
If you created a new database, don't forget to first setup a Patch.