- This service to show how create Secure Restful Web service using Spring Boot, MVC and security.
- The architecture of the web service is built with the following components:
- DataTransferObjects: Objects which are used for outside communication via the API
- Controller: Implements the processing logic of the web service, parsing of parameters and validation of in- and outputs.
- Service: Implements the business logic and handles the access to the DataAccessObjects.
- DataAccessObjects: Interface for the database. Inserts, updates, deletes and reads objects from the database.
- DomainObjects: Functional Objects which might be persisted in the database.
- The Restful web service which uses the following technologies:
- Java 1.8
- Spring MVC with Spring Boot
- Spring Data
- Spring Security
- Swagger-ui
- Jackson
- Hibernate
- Database H2 (In-Memory)
- Maven
- open/import the project in your favorite IDE
- execute com.mazmy.MainServerApplicant::main to start an embedded http server
- open http://localhost:8080/ to see documentation and test existing endpoints
- / will be shown the API documentaion an a http test client
- in this overview you can also read about the existing APIs
- /v1/drivers
- /v1/cars
- /v1/manufacturers and test it
- go to src/main/resources/data.sql and use credential of any driver to can test services
- in this overview you can also read about the existing APIs
- /h2-console will give you the ability to check the existing and new created data in the db #dbclient
- Saved Settings: Generic H2
- Setting Name: Generic H2
- Driver Class: org.h2.Driver
- jdbc URL: jdbc:h2:mem:testdb
- User Name: sa
- Password: