Developing and deploying helm charts on kubernetes
- Docker setup:
- Kubectl installation:
- Minikube setup :
- helm setup -
docker version
kubectl version
minikube version
helm version
minikube start
helm repo add bitnami
helm search repo bitnami
helm repo update
helm install bitnami/mysql --generate-name
helm show chart bitnami/mysql
helm show all bitnami/mysql
helm list
helm uninstall mysql-1612624192
helm status mysql-1612624192
# Dev env
helm install helm-dev ./helm-chart --values ./helm-chart/env/dev/values.yml
helm uninstall helm-dev
# staging env
helm install helm-stage ./helm-chart --values ./helm-chart/env/stage/values.yml
helm uninstall helm-stage
# prod env
helm install helm-prod ./helm-chart --values ./helm-chart/env/prod/values.yml
helm uninstall helm-prod
- Deploying a web application using a Helm chart.
helm install myapp ./mychart
- Updating a deployed application to a new version.
helm upgrade myapp ./mychart
- Rolling back a deployment to a previous version..
helm rollback myapp 1
4.Installing a chart from a repository other than the default Helm Hub.
helm install myapp stable/mysql
- Removing a deployed application and associated resources.
helm uninstall myapp
- Providing custom configuration values for a chart during installation.
helm install myapp ./mychart --set app.port=8080 --set app.replicas=3
- Getting a list of all the releases installed on a cluster.
helm list
- Finding available charts related to a specific application or service.
helm search repo wordpress
- Rendering the templates of a chart locally without installing it.
helm template ./mychart
- Handling dependencies between multiple services or microservices.
helm dependency update ./mychart