The project was to design and implement the ‘Three or More’ dice game as described on Directions for play: Players take turns rolling five dice and score for three-of-a-kind or better. If a player only has two-of-a-kind, they may re-throw the remaining dice in an attempt to improve the remaining dice values. If no matching numbers are rolled after two rolls, the player scores 0.
- 3-of-a-kind: 3 points
- 4-of-a-kind: 6 points
- 5-of-a-kind: 12 points The player who reaches a fixed value of points (say 50) is the winner.
The appliaction had to include:
- A ‘Game’ class
- A ‘Player’ class
- A ‘Die’ class
- Any other classes that may be appropriate.
- At least one data structure which is appropriate for the task it is designed to complete.
Application was further extended to inculde different game modes and game options.