- Contributors: bobbingwide
- Donate link: http://www.oik-plugins.com/oik/oik-donate/
- Tags: shortcodes, smart, lazy
- Requires at least: 4.6.3
- Tested up to: 4.7.2
- Stable tag: 0.0.2
- License: GPLv2 or later
- License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Additional fields for oik-themes.
In https://github.com/GaryJones/genesis-child-theme-index Gary Jones outlined the set of information that would help users locate free Genesis Child themes.
I decided to attempt to implement a catalog of free child themes by extending the oik-themes CPT with custom taxonomies and fields.
I'd then use this during my analysis of Genesis child themes, searching for themes to use on customer's websites.
- Note: At the time of writing there were 350 repositories listed in a search for 'genesis child theme'. Gary's was one of them. Now there'll be one more.
- Upload the contents of the oik-theme-fields plugin to the `/wp-content/plugins/oik-theme-fields' directory
- Activate the oik-theme-fields plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- oik-theme-fields in action
Now sets the featured image when the oik-theme is created / updated, making the original logic somewhat redundant.
Tested with WordPress 4.7.2
New plugin, available from GitHub. Extends oik-themes
- Added: Add logic to set the featured image to the screenshot.png or .jpg file found locally, from wordpress.org or GitHub #4
- Tested: With WordPress 4.7.2
- Added: New plugin with batch logic to initialise the taxonomies
If you want to read more about the oik plugins then please visit the oik plugin "the oik plugin - for often included key-information"