In November 2018 FireEye published a threat research article that introduced a utility (De-Dosfuscator) which hooks CMD.EXE
, dumping obfuscated instructions in-the-clear. As part of their research, FireEye discovered a debug flag: fDumpParse
which is a hidden debug mode for CMD
that exports the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of the parsed command.
This project is a rough-and-ready F# parser designed to convert the AST exported from fDumpParse
in to a GraphViz drawing, making CMD's AST far easier to read.
Given the following input:
(for %a in (1 1 50) Do (echo foo && echo bar)) && echo baz
produces the AST:
for %a in (1 1 50) Do
Cmd: echo Type: 0 Args: ` foo '
Cmd: echo Type: 0 Args: ` bar'
Cmd: echo Type: 0 Args: ` baz'
which CMD-AST-View
then converts in to a GraphViz drawing, which hopefully presents the AST in an easier-to-read way:
is written in F#, making it cross-platform thanks to .Net Core. Ensure you have the dotnet
command line utility installed before continuing, then:
git clone
dotnet test
cd src/cmdast2dot
From here you may build the cmdast2dot
CLI for your platform of choice using dotnet publish
and the "runtime identifier" (RID) for your target platform, for example:
OS | Build CMD |
win7-x64 |
dotnet publish -c release -r win7-x64 |
win10-x64 |
dotnet publish -c release -r win10-x64 |
linux-x64 |
dotnet publish -c release -r linux-x64 |
linux-arm |
dotnet publish -c release -r linux-arm |
osx.10.14-x64 |
dotnet publish -c release -r osx.10.14-x64 |
Once you've built your binary, assuming you're still in src/cmdast2dot
, the binaries can be found at:
Ensure the compiled binary is in your path, and then it should be possible to pipe a CMD.EXE
AST directly in to cmdast2dot
. All being well, cmdast2dot
should produce a valid GraphViz drawing, which can then be converted in to an image format.
For my workflow, I use De-Dosfuscator with fDumpParse
to generate the AST, which I write to a text file. I then pipe the text file in to cmdast2dot
, piping the output of that in to DOT:
cat ast.txt | cmdast2dot | tee | dot -Tpng -o ast.png
Where the contents of ast.txt
contains the following AST that was generated from the expression: IF "this"=="that" (echo foo && echo bar) else (echo baz)
Cmd: "this" Type: 39 Args: `"that"'
Cmd: echo Type: 0 Args: ` foo '
Cmd: echo Type: 0 Args: ` bar'
Cmd: echo Type: 0 Args: ` baz'
A small amount of GraphViz fu using the DOT render dot -Tpng -o ast.png
produces the following graphic: