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brandmaier committed Sep 30, 2024
1 parent c014e57 commit c14c555
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions DESCRIPTION
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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344 changes: 234 additions & 110 deletions R/boruta.R
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#' BORUTA algorithm for SEM trees
#' This is an experimental feature. Use cautiously.
#' @aliases boruta
#' @param model A template model specification from \code{\link{OpenMx}} using
#' the \code{\link{mxModel}} function (or a \code{\link[lavaan]{lavaan}} model
#' using the \code{\link[lavaan]{lavaan}} function with option fit=FALSE).
#' Model must be syntactically correct within the framework chosen, and
#' converge to a solution.
#' @param data Data.frame used in the model creation using
#' \code{\link{mxModel}} or \code{\link[lavaan]{lavaan}} are input here. Order
#' of modeled variables and predictors is not important when providing a
#' dataset to \code{semtree}.
#' @param control \code{\link{semtree}} model specifications from
#' \code{\link{semtree.control}} are input here. Any changes from the default
#' setting can be specified here.
#' @param percentile_threshold Numeric.
#' @param rounds Numeric. Number of rounds of the BORUTA algorithm.
#' Run the Boruta algorithm on a sem tree
#' Grows a series of SEM Forests following the boruta algorithm to determine
#' feature importance as moderators of the underlying model.
#' @aliases boruta plot.boruta print.boruta
#' @param model A template SEM. Same as in \code{semtree}.
#' @param data A dataframe to boruta on. Same as in \code{semtree}.
#' @param control A semforest control object to set forest parameters.
#' @param predictors An optional list of covariates. See semtree code example.
#' @param maxRuns Maximum number of boruta search cycles
#' @param pAdjMethod A value from \link{stats::p.adjust.methods} defining a
#' multiple testing correction method
#' @param alpha p-value cutoff for decisionmaking. Default .05
#' @param verbose Verbosity level for boruta processing
#' similar to the same argument in \link{semtree.control} and
#' \link{semforest.control}
#' @param \dots Optional parameters to undefined subfunctions
#' @return A vim object with several elements that need work.
#' Of particular note, `$importance` carries mean importance;
#' `$decision` denotes Accepted/Rejected/Tentative;
#' `$impHistory` has the entire varimp history; and
#' `$details` has exit values for each parameter.
#' @author Priyanka Paul, Timothy R. Brick, Andreas Brandmaier
#' @seealso \code{\link{semtree}} \code{\link{semforest}}
#' @keywords tree models multivariate
#' @export
boruta <- function(model,
control = NULL,
predictors = NULL,
percentile_threshold = 1,
rounds = 1,
maxRuns = 30,
pAdjMethod = "none",
alpha = .05,
verbose = FALSE,
quant = 1,
...) {
# detect model (warning: duplicated code)
if (inherits(model, "MxModel") || inherits(model, "MxRAMModel")) {
tmp <-
getPredictorsOpenMx(mxmodel = model,
dataset = data,
covariates = predictors)
model.ids <- tmp[[1]]
covariate.ids <- tmp[[2]]
} else if (inherits(model, "lavaan")) {
tmp <-
getPredictorsLavaan(model, dataset = data, covariates = predictors)
model.ids <- tmp[[1]]
covariate.ids <- tmp[[2]]
} else {
ui_stop("Unknown model type selected. Use OpenMx or lavaanified lavaan models!")


# initial checks
# Checks on x & y from the boruta package
if (length(grep('^shadow', covariate.ids) > 0))
'Attributes with names starting from "shadow" are reserved for internal use. Please rename them.'
if (maxRuns < 11)
stop('maxRuns must be greater than 10.')
if (!pAdjMethod %in% stats::p.adjust.methods)
'P-value adjustment method not found. Must be one of:',

preds_important <- c()
preds_unimportant <- c()

cur_round = 1
temp_vims <- list()

while(cur_round <= rounds) {
vim_boruta <- .boruta(model=model,
percentile_threshold = percentile_threshold,
# add predictors to list of unimportant variables
preds_unimportant <- c(preds_unimportant, names(vim_boruta$filter)[!vim_boruta$filter])
# remove them from the dataset
data <- data[, -c(preds_unimportant)]
temp_vims[[cur_round]] <-vim_boruta
# Might clash with some other semtrees stuff
if (is.null(predictors)) {
predictors <- names(data)[covariate.ids]

result <- list(
rounds = rounds
# Initialize and then loop over runs:
impHistory <-
data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = 0, ncol = length(predictors) + 3))
names(impHistory) <-
c(predictors, "shadowMin", "shadowMean", "shadowMax")
decisionList <-
predictor = predictors,
decision = "Tentative",
hitCount = 0,
raw.p = NA,
adjusted.p = NA


.boruta <- function(model,
control = NULL,
predictors = NULL,
percentile_threshold = 1,
num_shadows = 1,
...) {

# make sure that no column names start with "shadow_" prefix
stopifnot(all(sapply(names(data), function(x) {!startsWith(x, "shadow_")})))

# detect model (warning: duplicated code)
if (inherits(model, "MxModel") || inherits(model, "MxRAMModel")) {
tmp <- getPredictorsOpenMx(mxmodel = model, dataset = data, covariates = predictors)

} else if (inherits(model,"lavaan")){
# TODO: Parallelize the first five runs.
end_time <- NULL
for (runNo in 1:maxRuns) {
start_time <- Sys.time()
if (verbose) {
time_info <- ""
if (!is.null(end_time)) time_info <- paste0("Last run took", (end_time-start_time))
message(paste("Beginning Run", runNo," ",time_info))

tmp <- getPredictorsLavaan(model, data, predictors)
} else {
ui_stop("Unknown model type selected. Use OpenMx or lavaanified lavaan models!")
model.ids <- tmp[[1]]
covariate.ids <- tmp[[2]]

# stage 1 - create shadow features

shadow.ids <- (ncol(data) + 1):(ncol(data) + length(covariate.ids))

for (cur_cov_id in covariate.ids) {
for (rep_id in 1:num_shadows) {
# pick column and shuffle
temp_column <- data[, cur_cov_id]
temp_column <- sample(temp_column, length(temp_column), replace = FALSE)
# add to dataset as shadow feature
temp_colname <- paste0("shadow_", names(data)[cur_cov_id], collapse = "")
if (num_shadows>1) temp_colname <- paste0(temp_colname, rep_id, collapse = "")
data[temp_colname] <- temp_column
if (!is.null(predictors)) predictors <- c(predictors, temp_colname)
# stage 1 - create shadow features
rejected <-
decisionList$predictor[decisionList$decision == "Rejected"]
current.predictors <- setdiff(predictors, rejected)
current.covariate.ids <-
setdiff(covariate.ids, names(data) %in% rejected) <- data[, setdiff(names(data), rejected)]

shadow.ids <-
(ncol( + 1):(ncol( + length(current.covariate.ids))

for (cur_cov_id in current.covariate.ids) {
# pick column and shuffle
temp_column <-[, cur_cov_id]
temp_column <-
sample(temp_column, length(temp_column), replace = FALSE)
# add to dataset as shadow feature
temp_colname <-
paste0("shadow_", names([cur_cov_id], collapse = "")[temp_colname] <- temp_column
if (!is.null(current.predictors))
current.predictors <- c(current.predictors, temp_colname)

# TODO: Pre-run model if needed.

# run the forest
forest <-
semforest(model,, control, current.predictors, ...)

# run variable importance
vim <- varimp(forest)

# get variable importance from shadow features
shadow_names <- names([shadow.ids]
agvim <- aggregateVarimp(vim, aggregate = "mean")

# Compute shadow stats
shadow_importances <- agvim[names(agvim) %in% shadow_names]
impHistory[runNo, "shadowMax"] <- max(shadow_importances, na.rm=TRUE)

max_shadow_importance <- stats::quantile(shadow_importances,

impHistory[runNo, "shadowMin"] <- min(shadow_importances, na.rm=TRUE)
impHistory[runNo, "shadowMean"] <- mean(shadow_importances, na.rm=TRUE)
agvim_filtered <- agvim[!(names(agvim) %in% shadow_names)]
impHistory[runNo, names(agvim_filtered)] <- agvim_filtered

# Compute "hits"
hits <-
decisionList$predictor %in% names(agvim_filtered[agvim_filtered > max_shadow_importance])
decisionList$hitCount[hits] <- decisionList$hitCount[hits] + 1

# Run tests.
# The biasing here means that there are no decisions without correction
# before 5 runs and no decisions with Bonferroni before 7 runs.

# Run confirmation tests (pulled from Boruta package)
newPs <-
stats::pbinom(decisionList$hitCount - 1, runNo, 0.5, lower.tail = FALSE)
adjPs <- stats::p.adjust(newPs, method = pAdjMethod)
acceptable <- adjPs < alpha
updateList <- acceptable & decisionList$decision == "Tentative"
decisionList$raw.p[updateList] <- newPs[updateList]
decisionList$adjusted.p[updateList] <- adjPs[updateList]
decisionList$decision[updateList] <- "Confirmed"

# Run rejection tests (pulled from Boruta package)
newPs <-
stats::pbinom(decisionList$hitCount, runNo, 0.5, lower.tail = TRUE)
adjPs <- stats::p.adjust(newPs, method = pAdjMethod)
acceptable <- adjPs < alpha
updateList <- acceptable & decisionList$decision == "Tentative"
decisionList$raw.p[updateList] <- newPs[updateList]
decisionList$adjusted.p[updateList] <- adjPs[updateList]
decisionList$decision[updateList] <- "Rejected"

if (!any(decisionList$decision == "Tentative")) {

end_time <- Sys.time()


# run the forest
forest <- semforest(model, data, control, predictors, ...)

# run variable importance
vim <- varimp(forest)

# get variable importance from shadow features
shadow_names <- names(data)[shadow.ids]
agvim <- aggregateVarimp(vim, aggregate = "mean")

vals <- agvim[names(agvim) %in% shadow_names]
#max_shadow_importance <- max(vals)
max_shadow_importance <- quantile(vals, percentile_threshold)
vim$importance <- colMeans(impHistory, na.rm = TRUE)
vim$impHistory <- impHistory
vim$decisions <- decisionList$decision
vim$details <- decisionList

agvim_filtered <- agvim[!(names(agvim) %in% shadow_names)]

df <- data.frame(importance = agvim_filtered, predictor = names(agvim_filtered))

vim$filter <- agvim_filtered > max_shadow_importance
vim$filter <-
decisionList$decision == "Confirmed" # Turns into hitreg
vim$boruta <- TRUE
vim$boruta_threshold <- max_shadow_importance
vim$percentile_threshold <- percentile_threshold

class(vim) <- "boruta"

# TODO: Loop ends here with some reporting.


#' @exportS3Method plot boruta
plot.boruta = function(vim, type = 0, ...) {
decisionList = vim$details
impHistory = vim$impHistory
impHistory <- impHistory |>
dplyr::mutate(rnd = 1:nrow(impHistory)) |>
tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = -last_col()) |> #everything()) |>
by = dplyr::join_by("name" == "predictor")) |>
dplyr::mutate(decision =
dplyr::case_when( ~ "Shadow", .default = decision)) |>
dplyr::group_by(name) |>
dplyr::mutate(median_value = median(value, na.rm = TRUE))

if (type == 0) {

# sort Inf values to the left
#impHistory[$median_value)] <- -Inf
impHistory$sort_value <- impHistory$median_value
# mv <- min(impHistory$sort_value,na.rm=TRUE)
# impHistory$sort_value[impHistory$decision=="Rejected"]<- (mv-1)

x = stats::reorder(name, sort_value),
y = value,
color = decision
)) +
ggplot2::geom_boxplot() +
ggplot2::xlab("") +
ggplot2::ylab("Importance") +
ggplot2::scale_color_discrete(name = "Decision") +
ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))
} else if (type == 1) {
x = rnd,
y = value,
group = name,
col = name
)) +
ggplot2::geom_line() +
ggplot2::geom_hline(ggplot2::aes(yintercept = median_value, col = name), lwd =
2) +
ggplot2::xlab("Round") +
ggplot2::ylab("Importance") +
ggplot2::scale_color_discrete(name = "Predictor")
} else {
stop("Unknown graph type. Please choose 0 or 1.")


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